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 机动小组 [jī dòng xiǎo zǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
flying squad

  1. 组织自主机动小组,互补互利;
    Autonomous organizations mobile teams, mutually beneficial;
  2. 士兵们堆起沙丘,发动机动船以解救那些被水围困的人们,派出小组来收敛尸体,并为幸存者分发食物和帐篷。
    Soldiers build up sandbanks, launch motor boats to reach those stranded by rising waters, send out teams to collect the bodies of the victims and distribute food and tents to the survivors.
  3. 所以JPL的科学家们成立一个小组分析这些年来所有的弹弓机动,设法找到是否真的存在微小但是系统的额外推进力。
    So a team from JPL has got together to analyse all of the slingshot manoeuvres that have been carried out over the years, to see if they really do involve a small but systematic extra boost.

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