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 机动动作 添加此单词到默认生词本
[航][车辆][船] maneuver

  1. 重新编制了直升机的人工智能,现在,他们使用火箭,并不时作出机动动作
    Reworked the helicopter AI. Now they use rockets and will sometimes use evasive maneuvers.
  2. 来实现载体的前进、后退、制动等各种机动动作
    It can move forward, backward or brake depending on the undulatory motion of the flexible fin.
  3. 首先要进行的机动动作,是拉起之后接一个斤斗,我确认我在通过展览中心时的速度大小快慢合适。
    For the first maneuver, a pullup followed by a back flip, I make sure I'm not too slow or too fast at show center.

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