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 机动储备 [jī dòng chǔ bèi添加此单词到默认生词本
active storage

  1. 他没有430亿美元的机动资金(伯克希尔哈撒韦的现金储备恰巧等于麦当劳的市值),而且不得不主要以期权形式积聚他在麦当劳5%的股份。
    He does not have $43bn to spare (Berkshire Hathaway's cash pile happens exactly to match McDonald's stock market value) and had to amass his 5 per cent stake in McDonald's mostly in options.
  2. KX920装载机是我公司生产的系列主导产品之一,该机设计合理,外形美观,指标先进,在国内外享有盛誉.它选用三元件液力变矩器,定轴式动力换档变速箱,轮边减速,双桥驱动,铰接式车架,全液压转向,汽液钳盘式四轮制动,手动钳盘式停车制动,反转连杆机构,动力储备大,加速性能好,驾驶舒适,视野宽广,是一种用途广,效率高,机动灵活的工程机械.备有平叉,圆木叉,多用途斗,推雪板,侧翻,抓草机等多种工作装置,因此广泛用于各类工程,工矿企业和城镇的物料,垃圾装卸,运输,堆垛,平整等作业,欢迎国内外朋友们来公司参观,选购.
    BRIEF INTRODUCTION The model KX920 wheel is one of the series leading products made in our works that is well received both at home and abroad for its reaso-nable design,beautiful contour,and advanced norms.By adopting of three-ele ment torque converter,fixed-axle type pcwer shifing transimission box,in=bub reduction,double-axle drive,hinged frame,all hydraulic steering,and clamping brade.the loader has such features as:large power reseve,fi-neaccelerating performace,comfortable operation,wide field of vision,It's muti=function,high-effic ient and flexible engineering machinery.Mor-eover,it can be equipped with many kinds of working attachments such as flat fort,muti-fnction bucket,and snow plow ,so it may be used for loading and unloading,transporting,piling and leveling materials in various kinds of projects.mines,enterprises and city.Welcome friends both at ho-me and abroad to visit our factory and to order our products.

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