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 低温余热 [dī wēn yú rè添加此单词到默认生词本
[热] low temperature exhaust heat

  1. 如何利用工业生产过程中产生的大量低温余热也越来越受到人们的重视。
    And it is becoming a highly valued opinion of how to recovery the low temperature waste heat occurring in industrial process.
  2. 国产化中低温余热发电技术的步伐应该加快,才有利于该技术的推广和应用。
    Application of domestic made low-and-medium temperature cogeneration technology should be extended so as to popularize its utilization.
  3. 对中国石化安庆分公司的常减压装置、催化裂化装置、延迟焦化装置进行低温余热回收节能改造。
    Remoulding of low temperature waste heat reuse was performed in crude oil unit, catalytic cracking unit and delayed coking unit of Anqing Petrochemical Company.

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