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 低温处理 [dī wēn chǔ lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
subzero treatment
low-temperature treatment

  1. 对目前国内外利用低温处理打破百合鳞茎休眠和促进开花等方面的研究进行了综述。
    The studies on the effect of low temperature on releasing bulb dormancy and promoting of flowering of lily were reviewed.
  2. 不同种泥鳅,在相同低温处理条件下,产生冷激蛋白的时间和种类也不一样。
    Since two types of Loaches have different adaptability, the time and type of CSPs generation are also different under the same temperature treatment.
  3. 本试验于1985—1986年,用盆栽,在大豆不同生育时期以人工控制温度的方法进行低温处理
    Pod experiment on treatment of low temperature to soybean at different growth stage was carried out on 1985-1986 by use controlled de-la temperature.

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