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 低温气候 [dī wēn qì hòu添加此单词到默认生词本
[气候] microthermal climate

  1. 不合时宜的暖和温度意味着开花来得早,反之低温气候则延期展示。
    Unseasonably warm temperatures mean the blooms arrive early; unseasonably cool weather delays the display.
  2. 特大雨雪冰冻低温气候给贵州小桐子1~3年生幼林和苗木造成了很大灾害。
    Due to the low temperature of the extreme freezing rain and snow weather, the young forests(aged 1 to 3 years) and the seedlings of the physic nut were seriously damaged by the disaster.
  3. 按照国家气象局的气候评价标准,对2004/2005冬季的低温进行气候评价。
    Based on the climatic evaluation criteria by Chinese Meteorological Bureau, climatic evaluation of low air temperature in the winter of 2004/2005 was made.

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