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 低温工程 添加此单词到默认生词本
[低温] cryoengineering
[低温] cryogenic engineering

  1. 该模型在低温余热发电工程中具有推广价值。
    This model is worth of popularization in electrical engineering.
  2. 介绍了林达化工技术工程公司低温型甲醇合成塔在哈尔滨气化厂新建低压甲醇装置中的运用情况。
    The successful use is presented of the Linda low pressure uniform temperature methanol converter in the newly built low pressure unit at Harbin Gasification Plant.
  3. 该机从低温工程及冷冻医疗原理的角度满足了冷冻医疗的主要技术要求,具有较完备的测量、控制及安全保护系统。
    It meets the main requirements of cryosurgery in cryogenics and cryosurgical technique and has complete performances for measurement, control and safety in operation.

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