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 低温干馏 添加此单词到默认生词本
low temperature carbonization

  1. 固体热载体法低温快速干馏(或称快速热解)是一项对褐煤、油页岩和长焰煤进行综合加工利用的正在开发的新工艺。
    The rapid pyrolysis process using solid heat carrier is a developing technology which is used for the comprehensive utilization of lignite, oil shale or subbituminous coal.
  2. 对影响油页岩低温干馏的主要因素进行了考察,其中包括最终加热温度、加热时间、 加热速度及页岩粒度等因素。
    Main factors such as final heating temperature, heating time, heating speed and particle size of raw material on dry distillation of oil shale at low temperature were examined.
  3. 结果表明,陕北侏罗纪煤具有较高的焦油产率,配煤在降低煤中含硫量的同时,有利于低温干馏过程的进行和产品质量的提高;
    It was demonstrated that the tar ratio was high at large, the blending coal not only reduced the sulfur content but also improved the low-temperature carbonization process and the product quality.

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