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 低温器械 [dī wēn qì xiè添加此单词到默认生词本
[外科] cryotool

  1. 低温灭菌既能保证手术器械的灭菌效果,又能提高手术量。
    low-temperature sterilization of surgical instruments can ensure sterilization, but also enhance the volume of surgery.
  2. 这些含氟材料具有优良的化学惰性及耐高、低温等性能,可用于电子组件、医疗器械、航空航天及军用物资等而受到人们广泛关注。
    These fluorine materials which were subjected extensive attention of the people have excellent chemistry inertia and can bear high and low temperature.
  3. 目的观察过氧化氢等离子体低温灭菌装置对模拟临床管腔类器械灭菌效果,为临床实际应用提供参考依据。
    Objective To explore the effects and damages of low-temperature sterilizing with hydrogen peroxide gas plasma (HPGP) on dental high speed turbine handpieces, so as to prolong its service life.

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