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 低温医学 [dī wēn yī xué添加此单词到默认生词本
hypothermal medicine

  1. 摘要低温下导热系数测定对生物器官的低温保存、低温外科医学及数值模拟计算至关重要。
    Thermal conductivity of artery was measured at -90~-35℃ using thermal conductivity probe.
  2. 目前,超导体的材料被广泛应用于医学诊断的核磁共振成像和粒子加速器等领域,而超流体则让人们更深入地了解物质在低温状态下的表现形式。
    Knowledge about superfluid liquids can give us deeper insight into the ways in which matter behaves in its lowest and most ordered state.
  3. 秦梅,王兴河,樊绍增,等.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤亚低温干预大鼠模型的建立[J].上海实验动物医学,1999,19(2):7681.
    Rice J E,Vannucci R C,Brierley J B. influence of immaturity on hypoxicischemic brain damage in the rat[J].Ann Neurol,1981,9:131134.

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