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 stew [stju:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 炖, 烦恼, 热浴, 妓院, 鱼塘

vi. 炖, 焖, 忧虑

vt. 炖, 焖, 使焦虑

    [ noun ]
    1. agitation resulting from active worry

    2. <noun.state>
      don't get in a stew
      he's in a sweat about exams
    3. food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables

    4. <noun.food>
    [ verb ]
    1. be in a huff; be silent or sullen

    2. <verb.emotion> brood grizzle
    3. bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings

    4. <verb.emotion>
    5. cook slowly and for a long time in liquid

    6. <verb.change>
      Stew the vegetables in wine

    Stew \Stew\, v. i.
    To be seethed or cooked in a slow, gentle manner, or in heat
    and moisture.

    Stew \Stew\, n. [OE. stue, stuwe, OF. estuve. See {Stew}, v. t.]
    1. A place of stewing or seething; a place where hot bathes
    are furnished; a hothouse. [Obs.]

    As burning [AE]tna from his boiling stew
    Doth belch out flames. --Spenser.

    The Lydians were inhibited by Cyrus to use any
    armor, and give themselves to baths and stews.
    --Abp. Abbot.

    2. A brothel; -- usually in the plural. --Bacon. South.

    There be that hate harlots, and never were at the
    stews. --Aschman.

    3. A prostitute. [Obs.] --Sir A. Weldon.

    4. A dish prepared by stewing; as, a stewof pigeons.

    5. A state of agitating excitement; a state of worry;
    confusion; as, to be in a stew. [Colloq.]

    Stew \Stew\, n. [Cf. {Stow}.]
    1. A small pond or pool where fish are kept for the table; a
    vivarium. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] --Chaucer. Evelyn.

    2. An artificial bed of oysters. [Local, U.S.]

    Stew \Stew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stewed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Stewing}.] [OE. stuven, OF. estuver, F. ['e]tuver, fr. OF.
    estuve, F. ['e]tuve, a sweating house, a room heated for a
    bath; probably of Teutonic origin, and akin to E. stove. See
    {Stove}, and cf. {Stive} to stew.]
    To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to
    seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire,
    without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew

    1. "Pandemonium" is a raucous funk-rock stew spiced by the slick comic sense of the sharp-dressed Day, who dubs himself the "aristocratic black."
    2. On a recent excursion to the Santa Fe yard in Colton, Calif., a dozen 'Bos are hanging out with a half-dozen real hobos, sharing stew and beer.
    3. And instead of dissolving into a melting pot, they formed a lumpy stew of Old World languages, foods and customs.
    4. "The honor of Georgia has been very successfully defended on the Brunswick stew battlefield," said Phyllis Taunton of Main Street Brunswick, a sponsor of Saturday's stew-cooking contest.
    5. The biggest affair was a rock 'n' roll extravaganza for about 10,000 journalists at the Georgia World Congress Center, featuring plenty of free liquor and dozens of dishes, ranging from hot dogs and egg rolls to Brunswick stew and jambalaya.
    6. The danger is that Iraq may simply be left to stew, simultaneously terrorised by Mr Saddam's vicious repressive apparatus and starved by economic sanctions. It is not to be supposed that Mr Saddam would content himself with such malign neglect.
    7. The suffering endured by both sides - but particularly by soldiers of the besieged 6th Army, where 'Doberman pinscher stew' was a delicacy while the dogs lasted - defies imagination.
    8. Gorbachev denied the report of his possible resignation after letting the world stew for 12 hours.
    9. The credits, scripted in hot pink, splash boldly against this smouldering stew.
    10. Choosing a heavy stew, or kidneys, traditionally served with polenta - a leaden maize-based potato substitute - would be a gaffe in a stiffling Milanese summer.
    11. One barrel-shaped elderly woman from Brazil's Atlantic state of Bahia set up a stand in front of the town courthouse to sell shrimp stew.
    12. It was not easy to dance in a cold, sticky stew of grapes, pips and husks, but the villagers were clearly enjoying it; nor did they seem much inhibited by the presence of the squire and his guests.
    13. There is also chupe de camorones, a shrimp stew, as well as potato dishes such as causa and carapulcra.
    14. Racked by back-to-back drought years that have distilled the wetlands to a suffocating, toxin-ridden stew, the refuge 60 miles east of Reno has become a murky grave to more than 7 million fish and 2,000 birds in the past 18 months.
    15. The thick consistency of ConAgra's soup was "too much like stew." In many ways, Sun and Microsoft have been the growth stars of the computer industry in recent years.
    16. "My philosophy of life is when you're licked, you don't waste time and stew in it," he says.
    17. The most expensive item on the menu was a meat stew, priced at 43 kopecks, or 15 minutes' work. The cheapest was a piece of Russian black bread for 1 kopeck.
    18. "I wasn't a bad Communist," he says, wolfing down a breakfast of fried pork, fried fish and beef stew in the farm's canteen.
    19. Scatter the mixture over the surface of the stew for added savour just before bringing the dish to table. Plain boiled potatoes or noodles go well with this.
    20. "This is how they start brewing the stew," said one congressional aide, who asked not to be identified, about how extra spending gets generated.
    21. She had been looking after the children and was now cooking a banana stew for the returning gatherers. As I was washing in the river, a dugout appeared round the corner.
    22. At the Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, another culinary landmark, chef Dean Fearing's offerings include grilled game with cornpones and wild rice sauce, and Texas antelope stew on posole tortillas.
    23. Barbecue often comes with Brunswick stew, which is another Southern standby, and a piece of corn bread the size of Europe. Sauces vary from the pointless to fiery potions it takes a whip and a chair to tame.
    24. President Mikhail S. Gorbachev's decision to send troops to quell the Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict has dragged native Russians into the conflict, throwing a volatile new ingredient into a simmering ethnic stew.
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