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 stewardess ['stjuwɚdɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 空中小姐, 女管理人, 女管家

    [ noun ]
    a woman steward on an airplane

    Stewardess \Stew"ard*ess\, n.
    A female steward; specifically, a woman employed in passenger
    vessels to attend to the wants of female passengers.

    1. "A stewardess got a suction line from the medical kit while I tried artificial respiration.
    2. "I estimate that a stewardess who flies during her entire pregnancy will reach the unacceptable level," which he indicated was 40 percent above the normal dose of cosmic radiation that everyone routinely receives.
    3. He's also in the midst of divorcing his American-born wife of 38 years to take up with a former airline stewardess half his age.
    4. It was very scary." "It seemed to me like about 30 seconds from the time we stopped to the time the stewardess threw the door open and yelled to evacuate," she said.
    5. A government spokesman did not say whether the premier plans to marry his 34-year-old girlfriend, airline stewardess Dimitra Liani, who also is married.
    6. One involved a drunken passenger with a knife and the other was a 20-year-old man who grabbed a stewardess and demanded to be flown to West Germany.
    7. However, the British media seems to have missed the point. Mrs Keating, a former airline stewardess, comes from Holland whose royal family abolished curtsying long ago.
    8. And there was a report of a British Airlines stewardess having been violated and humiliated by Iraq soldiers.
    9. A stewardess was killed when she was sucked out through an 18-foot hole in the plane's fuselage, but the pilot managed to land the airline safely at Kahului Airport on Maui with 94 other people aboard.
    10. The line signed up the first British stewardess, Daphne Vickers.
    11. Here is Robert De Niro, here Peter Lorre; now it's Ethel Merman or Woody Allen or an air-line stewardess.
    12. A picture showed a young woman demonstrating their use in the manner of an airline stewardess.
    13. Witnesses at Ruzyne Airport in Prague said the teen-agers took a woman hostage, crashed through a glass wall of the VIP lounge, fired several shots and threatened a stewardess.
    14. "I saw he had the stewardess so I took action immediately," Polk said early Wednesday.
    15. The stewardess asked four stewards for help as most passengers remained unaware of the unfolding drama.
    16. A man accused of trying to hijack an America West airplane to Cuba told a federal magistrate that he wanted to apologize to passengers and to the stewardess he's charged with assaulting.
    17. The Challenger came with a crew of two pilots and one stewardess, and, Ms Hahn said: 'Full complimentary first-class meals and bar.' In principle, a group of business people could have booked the flight on scheduled airlines.
    18. Mrs. Riviere wrote the stewardess a note, with no results.
    19. The theft, if I may so damningly describe the incident, took place on my flight to Barbados when the stewardess announced that duck was fully subscribed.
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