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 stewed   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 炖煮的, (非正式)喝醉酒的

    [ adj ]
    cooked in hot water

    Stew \Stew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stewed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Stewing}.] [OE. stuven, OF. estuver, F. ['e]tuver, fr. OF.
    estuve, F. ['e]tuve, a sweating house, a room heated for a
    bath; probably of Teutonic origin, and akin to E. stove. See
    {Stove}, and cf. {Stive} to stew.]
    To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to
    seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire,
    without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew

    1. Akopyan was quoted as saying he and the other men survived because the basement was used to store canned vegetables, smoked ham, stewed fruit and pickles.
    2. While his family celebrated the season inside, Willie Farah, the once and perhaps future garment king, stewed in his car for three hours.
    3. Analysts stewed about it for a few weeks, then came up with the meaning.
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