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 Stewart ['stjuət]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 斯图尔特(男子名)

    [ noun ]
    1. United States film actor who portrayed incorruptible but modest heros (1908-1997)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. Scottish philosopher and follower of Thomas Reid (1753-1828)

    4. <noun.person>

    1. Previous recipients of the award include Gregory Peck, James Stewart and Lillian Gish.
    2. Stewart charged that Fairchild changed his story at a post-conviction hearing.
    3. In the spring of 1990, Coopers made Watson a partner. Stewart Senior, another Coopers consultant, was brought in to run the technical side of the project at the start of this year.
    4. There was a wide railway reserve going through the city and Stewart (Elliott, his long-time British associate) said why not use that. 'No sane person has invested money in a railway this century.
    5. The legislation stems in part from work by Stewart Udall, former congressman and interior secretary, who represented the uranium miners in a lawsuit against the government in 1979.
    6. Stewart Walker, the city's chief administrative officer, said the city had no way to arrange a compromise on the unpaid property taxes.
    7. Aluminum analyst Stewart R. Spector, author of the Spector Report, predicts Russian exports could fall by "several hundred thousand tons."
    8. The Justice Department said Thursday it is seeking a court order to enjoin Stewart Sandwiches Inc. of Norfolk, Va. from making and distributing sandwiches until it complies with federal health laws.
    9. "Someone said, and I guess it's true, that `What you were really playing in that picture was a peeping tom,"' the 80-year-old Stewart said. "That's exactly what I was doing.
    10. Among other allegations, the Cahill report charges that Mr. Stewart had Lone Star aircraft fly him and the actress Elizabeth Taylor on West Coast jaunts.
    11. In three weeks I was playing it." After three years in the play, Fay wanted a vacation, and Stewart was delighted to substitute.
    12. This week there was Julian Lloyd-Webber in conversation with music critic Andrew Stewart.
    13. The grant program was authorized by Congress in the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, named after the late Connecticut Rep. Stewart McKinney.
    14. But Stewart is the sort of woman you'd leave your children with.
    15. Stewart said there have been "less hostilities and less activities at sea than would probably have been the case before" the foreign navies sent forces to the gulf.
    16. The plane landed in a heavy rainstorm at Stewart.
    17. Abuse against expectant mothers happens in all racial and socioeconomic groups, said Anne Stewart Helton, a community health nurse consultant at Texas Women's University.
    18. I'm just ready to graduate," said Ms. Stewart.
    19. Burt Lancaster was the fast-talking tough guy, James Stewart his drawling partner with homespun common sense as they rode into town to fight for a principle _ only this time it was real life, not a movie.
    20. "The Senate cannot evade its constitutional duty to conduct this trial," said Stewart.
    21. Mr. Stewart said Utah Power has tended to choose its leadership from within the company and its directors from within the state, "creating a kind of incestuous relationship between management and the board," which has proved "stifling."
    22. In recent years, Mr. Stewart has pushed to transform Primark from a natural-gas utility into an ambitious conglomerate with interests in leasing, mortgage banking, aviation services and health-care telecommunications.
    23. The indictment mentions two groups totaling 19 soldiers recruited in early 1985, with money provided from Stewart to Mario Calero.
    24. A judge in May had refused Mrs. Stewart's attempt to have her husband declared dead.
    25. The trust's sole trustees are Media General's chairman, D. Tennant Bryan, and its vice chairman, J. Stewart Bryan.
    26. The Alumni Association gave Stewart its Woodrow Wilson Award for undergraduate alumni distinguished in public service.
    27. Bob Stewart, owner of Noyes Marine Life, said Flazey seemed to be adjusting well.
    28. Briton Nick Faldo took his second British Open golf crown Sunday, beating American Payne Stewart by five strokes and finishing two shots off the tournament record.
    29. A preliminary investigation by Amtrak showed the train was traveling at 77 mph at the time of the collision, just below the speed limit of 79 mph, Stewart said.
    30. If there were 10% more metal in inventory world-wide, the price of primary aluminum ingot would be 10 cents lower a pound than the current 70 cents, estimates Stewart Spector, an independent aluminum analyst.
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