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 stewardship ['stjuwɚd`ʃɪp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. steward的职务, 管理工作

    [ noun ]
    the position of steward

    Stewardship \Stew"ard*ship\, n.
    The office of a steward. --Shak.

    1. Fortunately, leaders of several major environmental groups are coming to recognize market incentives and property rights as tools for ecological stewardship.
    2. Hees insiders said they would be willing to accept stewardship of Unicorp Canada if Mr. Mann eventually was willing to hand it over.
    3. Under his stewardship in the mid-1870s, no corner or institution in Birmingham was left untouched by his reforms. Then he went into national politics.
    4. He inherited its stewardship from his wife's family, the descendants of Dutch burgher settlers.
    5. David Owen's old seat of Plymouth Devonport is widely expected to revert to Labour after Owen's stewardship for the Social Democratic party.
    6. But it would be churlish to criticise Ms Hynes on such small evidence: we'll have a better idea of her stewardship this time next year. In the area of production, however, we shall soon be able to assess her impact.
    7. But U.S. citizens do not demand and policy makers do not utilize the most elementary facts about our financial condition and the stewardship of government operations.
    8. Lorenzo said the end of his stewardship of Eastern was a relief in some ways, since it will allow him to focus full attention on Continental Airlines, Eastern's non-union sister carrier.
    9. Sir, You are right to remind readers that fines imposed on Invesco MIM by Imro do not reduce the need to review pension fund stewardship and City regulation generally.
    10. Under Mr. Liguori's stewardship, the company significantly expanded its home health-care business.
    11. The environmentalists are winning a political grand slam: a bill that has enormous economic costs but that the public sees described as too "weak." Messrs. Reilly and Bush like to say they favor environmental "stewardship."
    12. Oliver North, seemingly struggling to keep his temper, on Monday defended his stewardship of an Iran-Contra cash fund and insisted the money he paid for a used car came instead from a $15,000 family cache in a metal box bolted to a closet floor.
    13. Under the stewardship of its safety-first management, SunTrust has achieved the remarkable record of never having reported a decline in annual earnings.
    14. Under Shevardnadze's stewardship, the Soviet Union pulled its troops out of Afghanistan, negotiated cuts in nuclear arsenals, allowed East European countries to oust Communist regimes and ended antagonistic relations with Cold War foes.
    15. Individual and community stewardship, supported by sound public policies, is critical in the care and preservation of global resources.
    16. Under the conservative stewardship of John G. Medlin Jr., its chairman and chief executive officer, Wachovia has dodged the real-estate loan problems that have battered many of the biggest banks in the Southeast.
    17. Marshall Field, once an erratic performer, has experienced a revival under Mr. Miller's stewardship.
    18. The company's official purpose: "To help individuals apply God's principles of stewardship to free up financial resources for the fulfillment of the Great Commission."
    19. As to the "federal government's stewardship fo the problem we can think of no approporiate grade _ `Absent' is the school term that comes most readily to mind, " the report added.
    20. Thanks to Alfred Wopmann's canny stewardship these past ten years, the Bregenz Festival stood out as an example of how to mix art and commerce.
    21. We committed to work together as well as with the developing world to meet our responsibility of global stewardship.
    22. Motorola and AT&T are expected to announce an accord today that may defuse much of the controversy over AT&T's stewardship of Unix, an important computer operating system.
    23. Also testifying for Bakker's defense was Allen Andrews, director of corporate finances for Lockheed Corp., who audited some of PTL's financial statements and records for the period of Bakker's stewardship.
    24. In recent years Mr. DeNunzio's stewardship of the firm had become an increasing topic of controversy inside the firm.
    25. Hair said the early 1980s were a time of "ideological shrillness, anti-environmental actions and lack of stewardship" in the administration.
    26. PTL founder Jim Bakker on Wednesday defended his stewardship of the ministry before it sought bankruptcy protection, denying an IRS claim that the church bought him such luxuries as two Rolls-Royce cars.
    27. For not only leadership is passed from generation to generation, but so is stewardship.
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