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 steward ['stjuwɚd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 管理人, 招待员, 管家, 乘务员

[经] 轮船, 飞机的服务员, (财务)管理员

    [ noun ]
    1. someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements

    4. <noun.person>
    5. an attendant on an airplane

    6. <noun.person>
    7. a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management

    8. <noun.person>
    9. one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals

    10. <noun.person>

    Steward \Stew"ard\, n. [OE. stiward, AS. st[=i]weard, stigweard,
    literally, a sty ward; stigu sty + weard warden, guardian, --
    his first duty having been probably to attend to the domestic
    animals. [root]164. See {Sty} pen for swine, {Ward}.]
    1. A man employed in a large family, or on a large estate, to
    manage the domestic concerns, supervise other servants,
    collect the rents or income, keep accounts, and the like.

    Worthy to be stewards of rent and land. --Chaucer.

    They came near to the steward of Joseph's house.
    --Gen. xliii.

    As good stewards of the manifold grace of God. --1
    Pet. iv. 10.

    2. A person employed in a hotel, or a club, or on board a
    ship, to provide for the table, superintend the culinary
    affairs, etc. In naval vessels, the captain's steward,
    wardroom steward, steerage steward, warrant officers
    steward, etc., are petty officers who provide for the
    messes under their charge.

    3. A fiscal agent of certain bodies; as, a steward in a
    Methodist church.

    4. In some colleges, an officer who provides food for the
    students and superintends the kitchen; also, an officer
    who attends to the accounts of the students.

    5. In Scotland, a magistrate appointed by the crown to
    exercise jurisdiction over royal lands. --Erskine.

    {Lord high steward}, formerly, the first officer of the
    crown; afterward, an officer occasionally appointed, as
    for a coronation, or upon the trial of a peer. [Eng.]

    Steward \Stew"ard\, v. t.
    To manage as a steward. [Obs.]

    1. They were afraid they'd have problems without me." The Mafia might never have discovered he was an informant were it not for the 1988 indictment of Joseph Rosato, a Local 210 shop steward.
    2. The panel concluded that "the endowment is not, in setting policy and making grants, adequately meeting its public responsibilities at the present time" as steward of taxpayer funds.
    3. "What they're basically doing is not paying you for every hour you work," Ron Haase, chief steward of Local 1142 in Sioux City, told a news conference.
    4. Workers "were quite upset by what they heard," union steward Stephen Blodgett said by telephone after the meeting.
    5. Shop steward Valdner, who wears a baseball cap inscribed "Free 560," says that when a petition demanding that Judge Ackerman permit immediate Local 560 elections was circulated early last year, "5,300 people signed it.
    6. Despite such issues, Finley said the Park Service has been a good steward of Yosemite and its famous features such as El Capitan, Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
    7. Miller and fellow union steward John Deterling said the two sides are not far apart on benefits and could possibly work out a deal on the chief wage issue, mileage pay.
    8. She said the captain and steward on board were not seriously hurt and helped the injured passengers.
    9. He asserted last week that 'the reason for Seagram's interest in Time Warner had nothing whatsoever to do with my personal ambitions beyond my role as a steward for Seagram's shareholders'.
    10. The firing cost Mr. Romano his non-paying post as an elected Teamster shop steward at Conway-Eastern.
    11. "This gives Lee Iacocca a black eye with his credibility," said Don Petty, chief steward of UAW Local 1264 at a Chrysler plant in Sterling Heights.
    12. Souter told his confirmation hearing that he loves the judiciary, wants no calling but to be a judge, and would seek on the high court to serve as a steward of the Constitution.
    13. The question is whether Labour has become a fit and proper steward of the UK's market economy. Fortunately, this is not a question you have to answer just yet.
    14. Everyone raised on black-and-white movies has a favorite champagne steward.
    15. Their shop steward has called them to a meeting and his manner - unsmiling and full of importance - tells them the matter is serious. Behind him, several managers sit in an office, pretending not to be interested.
    16. In a touch borrowed from Asia _ Regent is based in Hong Kong _ each floor, even upper ones with as few as six rooms, will have a steward to attend to guests' needs.
    17. Miller, of Waco, Texas, was stationed as a mess steward aboard the USS Virginia when the ship was attacked at Pearl Harbor.
    18. Tudor John is a steward of appeal of the British Boxing Board of Appeal and describes himself as a keen shot and failed rugby player.
    19. And I as President have to be concerned about that, as well as being a good custodian, a good steward for the environment.
    20. Miller was serving as a mess steward aboard the USS Virginia when the ship was attacked at Pearl Harbor.
    21. Eighty-nine people survived the crash and 72 died, including the entire nine-member crew except for the chief steward, Dickinson said.
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