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 disapproval [,disә'pru:vәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不赞成

  1. He shook his head in disapproval.
  2. He spoke with disapproval of your proposal.
  3. She gestured her disapproval.

[ noun ]
  1. a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing

  2. <noun.feeling>
  3. the expression of disapproval

  4. <noun.communication>
  5. an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

  6. <noun.cognition>
  7. the act of disapproving or condemning

  8. <noun.act>

Disapproval \Dis`ap*prov"al\, n.
Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.

  1. "There may be some people who voice disapproval, but public opinion will understand that this act was taken against one of the leaders of one of the most fanatical groups in Lebanon," said Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's spokesman, Avi Pazner.
  2. "We agreed that when we watched the speech, we would drink a toast to Gorbachev's health." The disapproval of the Russian government goes deeper than nostalgia and sentimentality.
  3. The Greek Olympic Committee said its decision is "the minimum expression of disapproval" of Atlanta's winning the bidding to host the 1996 Games, denounced by the Greek press as greed, money and commercialism defeating Olympic ideals.
  4. U.S. officials have expressed disapproval of some Israeli tactics to quell Arab unrest in the occupied territories and are expected to voice their concerns to Rabin during his visit.
  5. Sixty-seven percent approved of U.S.-PLO talks, with the rest split between disapproval and no opinion.
  6. Gower's flight over Queensland's Carrarra Ground, in a 1938 Tiger-Moth, on England's ill-fated, ill-tempered tour of Australia in the winter of 1990-91, brought him grim disapproval from Gooch and the tour's officials.
  7. The state attorney general had argued in August before the court that Congress failed to override Nevada's disapproval notice within the 90 days required under the 1982 act.
  8. On the soundtrack, an old biddy's voice sneers in obvious disapproval: "Look at that.
  9. It was unclear how much Mr. Skinner's concern reflects a disapproval of airline buy-outs and how much is tied to negotiations with European governments over the allocation of routes.
  10. A Newsweek poll released Saturday found the court's decision on the Missouri law _ which cleared the way for other states to restrict abortion _ met with disapproval by 53 percent of Americans, while 37 percent approved.
  11. Nixon has expressed disapproval of U.S. sanctions, saying that messages should be sent through private channels asking the Chinese to show restraint.
  12. Bush received an 18 percent disapproval rating on Eastern Europe.
  13. The traditionalists decided it was a sign of God's disapproval of the appointment. If so, with the 68-year-old Jenkins under notice to retire in 12 months time, heaven should surely turn on the heat benignly in celebration.
  14. "The change seems to reflect disapproval of two or three recent large buyouts," said Earnest A. Huband, president of the Montvale-based accountant's association.
  15. The relief was qualified, however, by a vote overriding the veto in the U.S. House of Representatives and the reasons behind Reagan's disapproval of the bill.
  16. A strength of Halliday's is that he is good at teamwork, doing what is best for a team without more than the odd cheep of disapproval.
  17. The result was a hurricane of international disapproval, isolating the Panamanian government at a moment when it most needed help in a confrontation with the United States.
  18. Congress could overrule his decision by adopting a disapproval resolution within 60 days.
  19. Heads shake in disapproval.
  20. And last year's disapproval of Chrysler's minivans had little lasting effect.
  21. On this vote, a "yes" vote was in favor of the resolution of disapproval while a "no" vote was in favor of the FSX deal.
  22. Critical response in England has ranged from praise for the filmmakers' daring, to disapproval that a seamy story is being dredged up again, especially after Profumo's prolonged penance as a charity worker in the slums of London.
  23. Homosexuality, abortion, pot and promiscuous sex drew hefty displeasure from the sample as a whole, but only scant disapproval from business, government and professional elites.
  24. For some members, public perception would be the only issue, he said with a tone of disapproval.
  25. While Israel has earned international disapproval for its shootings and beatings of Palestinian protestors, many Israelis see their response to the stone-throwers as far too restrained.
  26. The disapproval is obvious.
  27. But they were quickly hushed by others who whistled their disapproval or implored them to cease chanting.
  28. Neither the House nor the Senate has formally voted either approval or disapproval of Reagan's policy of having the Navy protect 11 reflagged Kuwaiti tankers.
  29. Besides Baker's admonition to Shamir, the Bush administration made a point of registering its disapproval in two other ways.
  30. "Diplomatic messages of disapproval are a pretty puny reaction to the murdering of innocent civilians, whose only crime is to want the same freedoms we in the West take for granted," Edwards said in a statement issued by his office.
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