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 disarmament [dis'ɑ:mәmәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 裁军

[法] 裁军, 解除军备

  1. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament.
  2. She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.
  3. I don't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament.

[ noun ]
act of reducing or depriving of arms
the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete

Disarmament \Dis*arm"a*ment\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]sarmement.]
The act of disarming.

  1. West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher met with Baker in Brussels on Friday to discuss the disarmament dispute and the Soviet proposals.
  2. He said only 22 per cent of the planned budget for disarmament had been received. At the same time, the Ministry of Energy and Heating has claimed that supplies of heating fuel for winter are in an 'extraordinarily bad' situation.
  3. West German officials say NATO nations are starting to line up against the U.S. and British views in a major disarmament dispute within the Western alliance.
  4. Reagan and Mitterrand met for 35 minutes in a downtown hotel just before the first session, discussing disarmament and the challenge of improving education in their countries, said Vedrine said.
  5. "As the threat is decreasing appreciably, the alliance must keep the initiative in the field of disarmament and arms control and review its strategy and structure accordingly," he said.
  6. "These parties are at the most using (these talks) to cover up major disarmament projects," the newspaper said in a commentary.
  7. Gorbachev has scored points in Europe with his talk of peace and disarmament, and now Reagan has been put in the same spotlight with new attention focused on the INF treaty.
  8. A four-week-long U.N. session on disarmament missed its deadline and dragged on into Sunday after bitterly divided delegates failed to agree on a formula for world peace.
  9. He devoted more discussion to the environment than to disarmament and extolled democracy and the rule of law in international affairs.
  10. But Bishop of Salisbury John Baker, who was responsible for a church report in 1983 which favored unilateral nuclear disarmament, said: "Effective deterrents cannot act on bluff.
  11. Dutch Defense Minister Relus ter Beek quoted Cheney as saying he expected the conventional arms talks in Vienna to be followed by another round of disarmament negotiations between NATO and the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact.
  12. The Dutch defense minister, Relus ter Beek, quoted Cheney as saying he expected the Vienna-based talks on Conventional Forces in Europe to be followed by another round of disarmament negotiations between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
  13. After the speeches end Tuesday or Wednesday, groups will begin drafting resolutions and a final document for this third special session on disarmament in 10 years.
  14. "Even though his tough stand on issues such as nuclear disarmament and the environment made him unpopular with most Western leaders, he pursued his policies in the interests of the Pacific region and its people," Namaliu said.
  15. The other thing would be capitulation, but the capitulation probably would have to be total, most likely including disarmament and the installation of a new, moderate leadership in Iraq.
  16. The four were the highest-ranking Contra leaders to demobilize, but it appears total rebel disarmament by the June 10 deadline is unlikely.
  17. "The United Nations could and should have a central role in the sphere of disarmament, and is the most appropriate organization to carry out verification functions on behalf of the international community," he said.
  18. For instance, he would like a ceiling placed on warships as part of the disarmament process.
  19. Kohl reiterated Bonn's promise that it seeks reunification in a step-by-step manner consistent with the European process that seeks disarmament and erasure of military and political divisions.
  20. They included universal disarmament, the question of foreign military in the Indian Ocean, a neutral Afghanistan and national self-determination as areas where the two could come very close.
  21. One panel is charged with a 'comprehensive programme of disarmament', but that committee is dormant. In Vienna, consultative groups work on implementation of the CFE and Open Skies accords.
  22. A landmark arms treaty cutting non-nuclear forces in Europe is far from the final step in disarmament, but it offers one overarching reward: the end to fear of a massive surprise ground attack.
  23. The Post said the Kremlin plan was outlined in interviews with Viktor Karpov, the Soviet Foreign Ministry's disarmament chief, and Col. Gen.
  24. The program quoted John Edwards, whom the program identified as an adviser for Palme on disarmament, as saying Palme asked Gandhi to buy 400 long-range howitzers from Bofors AB, Sweden's largest arms maker.
  25. Now let me turn to the main issue _ disarmament, without which none of the problems of the coming century can be solved.
  26. Another major issue was how the West should respond to Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev's disarmament overtures.
  27. Shultz, addressing a special U.N. session on disarmament Monday, instead stressed the momentum for arms control achieved during the Reagan administration.
  28. "It would be wrong to ignore the fact that the West is meeting us halfway on disarmament problems," Gorbachev said.
  29. In his speech to the General Assembly's special session on disarmament, Takeshita said Japan, the only nation that has had atomic weapons used against it, would co-sponsor the conference with the United Nations.
  30. Tower said the Soviet Union remains a powerful adversary with superior military capability and the West must not lose sight of that imbalance in its euphoria over disarmament prospects.
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