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 disaster [dɪ'zæstɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 灾祸, 不幸, 彻底失败

  1. They had led the country into economic disaster.
  2. The disaster caused him to waver in his faith.
  3. After the disaster there were many who wanted food and shelter.

[ noun ]
  1. a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

  2. <noun.state>
    lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system
    his policies were a disaster
  3. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

  4. <noun.event>
    the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
    the earthquake was a disaster
  5. an act that has disastrous consequences

  6. <noun.act>

Disaster \Dis*as"ter\, v. t.
1. To blast by the influence of a baleful star. [Obs.] --Sir
P. Sidney.

2. To bring harm upon; to injure. [R.] --Thomson.

Disaster \Dis*as"ter\, n. [F. d['e]sastre; pref. d['e]s- (L.
dis-) + astre star, fr. L. astrum; a word of astrological
origin. See {Aster}, {Astral}, {Star}.]
1. An unpropitious or baleful aspect of a planet or star;
malevolent influence of a heavenly body; hence, an ill
portent. [Obs.]

Disasters in the sun. --Shak.

2. An adverse or unfortunate event, esp. a sudden and
extraordinary misfortune; a calamity; a serious mishap.

But noble souls, through dust and heat,
Rise from disaster and defeat
The stronger. --Longfellow.

Syn: Calamity; misfortune; mishap; mischance; visitation;
misadventure; ill luck. See {Calamity}.

  1. An Associated Press study of the 1988 disaster program found farmers who said they were "made whole" by both programs, earning as much or more in insurance claims and disaster payments as they would have with normal harvests.
  2. An Associated Press study of the 1988 disaster program found farmers who said they were "made whole" by both programs, earning as much or more in insurance claims and disaster payments as they would have with normal harvests.
  3. Pemex's preliminary report on that disaster found that a spark during the installation of firefighting equipment touched off the blaze.
  4. "The Department of Conservation is asking for a 48-hour cleanup capability for a much larger minimum spill of at least 250,000 barrels," the size of the Exxon Valdez disaster, said Dietrick.
  5. For example, under current rules if you get a notice that, congratulations, your land has been designated a "wetland," it's a disaster.
  6. "There has never been in our country's history this degree of community sharing," Riley said. "You can bet your bottom dollar that the next city that has a disaster, Charleston will be represented" in giving aid.
  7. But few offer anything other than disaster.
  8. "Abandonment of the uninsured is becoming a societal disgrace and a financial disaster for many hospitals," said Edward Thomas, president of Detroit Receiving Hospital and chairman of the Michigan Hospital Association.
  9. We're all pulling together and trying to get over this disaster." School officials immediately began summoning mental health help Monday from across Arkansas and contacted national crisis and grief experts.
  10. Explorers set out for the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald today, hoping to use an underwater robot to get new explanations for the Lake Superior disaster almost 14 years ago.
  11. A disaster response team from Miami's Metro Dade Fire Department established a communications center in Barbados, about 200 miles south of Hugo's path, to assess damage and coordinate emergency medical treatment throughout the Leeward Islands.
  12. If the drought in the Corn Belt lasts another 30 days, as forecast, and "we have a real crop disaster," he added, "these banks are going to be very hard-hit.
  13. The only junta member left out of the proposed pardon was Dimitris Ioannides, who engineered a failed 1974 coup in nearby Cyprus, a disaster that led to the partition of the Mediterranean island and Greece's return to civilian rule.
  14. This joint had no role in the Challenger disaster, but engineers realized it might be even more flawed than the field joint.
  15. Red Cross disaster relief in fiscal 1990-91 totaled $184 million.
  16. But borrowings were rising and book values were being inflated, sowing the seeds of disaster when the market turned.
  17. In New Orleans, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Richard E. Lyng warned that the withering crops could mean disaster for farmers and spiraling costs for consumers.
  18. Few see a Dukakis victory as a disaster, for the realities of the office will progressively wear away his wilder notions, as they did Jimmy Carter's.
  19. The subcommittee launched an investigation of the federal government's handling of Great Lakes spills in the wake of the March 24 Exxon Valdez disaster off the Alaskan coast.
  20. At least 2,000 people gathered at the swept-clean site of a collapsed department store to mourn the 14 dead and hear the disaster and rescue described as "our finest hour as well as our greatest tragedy." "The disaster is now over.
  21. At least 2,000 people gathered at the swept-clean site of a collapsed department store to mourn the 14 dead and hear the disaster and rescue described as "our finest hour as well as our greatest tragedy." "The disaster is now over.
  22. Why should then the president resign, leaving the country in disaster?," he said.
  23. The official Soviet media said Gorbachev will visit the Chernobyl area on his trip, nearly three years after the world's worst nuclear power plant disaster occurred there.
  24. 'Insurers are going to know much more about the people they insure,' he says, with a more scientific approach to the risks. Mr Brown warns that the D&O market could be heading for disaster if the growth is seen as an easy way of making money.
  25. No nation can be held within a union against its will,' Mr Major said. 'But it would be an unimaginable disaster were we to do so.
  26. Another relief effort for disaster victims a continent away was also announced Wednesday.
  27. That disaster crippled the Valley's economy and forced growers to replant trees that were expected to mature this season and produce a full crop for the first time.
  28. But delays in the space program combined with grounding of all shuttles after the Challenger disaster kept the 11-ton satellite in its lonely journey around Earth.
  29. Occidental has taken the position that it was not responsible for the environmental disaster because it had sold the land and took no part in housing development at the site.
  30. An Indian news agency reported that a Bhopal district judge has extended the deadline for a settlement in the gas disaster case.
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