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 disavow [`dɪsə'vaʊ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 否认, 否定, 拒绝对...承担责任

[法] 不承认, 抵赖, 拒绝对...承担责任

  1. She disavows any part (ie says she was not involved) in the plot.
  2. I disavow all responsibility for you.
  3. I disavow all responsibility for you.

[ verb ]
refuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with
Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children

Disavow \Dis`a*vow"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disavowed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disavowing}.] [F. d['e]savouer; pref. d['e]s- (L.
dis-) + avouer to avow. See {Avow}, and cf. {Disavouch}.]
1. To refuse strongly and solemnly to own or acknowledge; to
deny responsibility for, approbation of, and the like; to
disclaim; to disown; as, he was charged with embezzlement,
but he disavows the crime.

A solemn promise made and disavowed. --Dryden.

2. To deny; to show the contrary of; to disprove.

Yet can they never
Toss into air the freedom of my birth,
Or disavow my blood Plantagenet's. --Ford.

  1. We disavow David Duke in every way, shape or form. Absolutely." Congress is sending President Bush a bill calling for $287 million in new spending to encourage volunteerism and community service, turning aside complaints about the cost.
  2. And, Baker said, the suspension ordered by Bush because PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat did not disavow the attack or punish the perpetrators "could have an adverse impact" on Egypt and other moderates, including some Palestinians.
  3. At their news conference, Masters, Johnson and Kolodny appeared to disavow some of the claims they made in the book.
  4. Mandela, serving a life sentence for sabotage and plotting to overthrow the government, has said he will not disavow violence until his organization is legalized and apartheid is dismantled.
  5. Administration officials have refused to disavow the fee publicly, but aides conceded privately that the plan most likely would not include it.
  6. Travelers in humanity have no right to disavow their great political responsibility in this test case of a new world order.
  7. Chairman Lee Iacocca, who continues to disavow interest in the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, won the plurality of write-in votes cast in the Michigan presidential primary.
  8. Rushdie did not disavow the book, but insisted today that it was a moral fable.
  9. Their mission: to get the White House to disavow one sentence in President Bush's 263-page Economic Report that was sympathetic to the networks on the rerun issue.
  10. Van der Merwe said the government was not expecting Mandela to sign anything, or even publicly disavow African National Congress policy, but expected that he would not promote violent activities.
  11. Jewish leaders criticized Jackson for declining to disavow Farrakhan, whom they view as antisemitic.
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