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 disarming [dɪs'ɑrmɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 使人消气的, 使解除警戒心的

  1. The police disarmed the criminal.
  2. We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.
  3. Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed.

[ noun ]
  1. act of reducing or depriving of arms

  2. <noun.act>
    the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete
[ adj ]
  1. capable of allaying hostility

  2. <adj.all>

Disarm \Dis*arm"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disarming}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Disarming}.] [OE. desarmen, F. d['e]sarmer; pref. d['e]s-
(L. dis-) + armer to arm. See {Arm}.]
1. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to
deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render

Security disarms the best-appointed army. --Fuller.

The proud was half disarmed of pride. --Tennyson.

2. To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm; to
render harmless or innocuous; as, to disarm a man's wrath.

Disarm \Dis*arm"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disarming}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Disarming}.] [OE. desarmen, F. d['e]sarmer; pref. d['e]s-
(L. dis-) + armer to arm. See {Arm}.]
1. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to
deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render

Security disarms the best-appointed army. --Fuller.

The proud was half disarmed of pride. --Tennyson.

2. To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm; to
render harmless or innocuous; as, to disarm a man's wrath.

disarming \disarming\ adj.
1. capable of allaying suspicion or hostility and inspiring
confidence; as, a disarming smile.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. capable of allaying hostility.
[WordNet 1.5]

disarming \disarming\ n.
act of reducing or depriving of weapons.

Syn: disarmament.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. We've got some issues we're continuing to work through with him.' The US has said it can only allow fundraising if the IRA stops buying weapons in the US, and if there is concrete progress towards disarming the terrorist group.
  2. MANAGUA, Nicaragua _ A decision by the Contra guerrillas to stop disarming has drawn energetic criticism from spokesmen for both the Sandinista opposition and President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro's government.
  3. The rebel leader representing the Communist Party, Shafik Handal, said he could not conceive of disarming: "Disarming is a concept that involves a defeat or a victory."
  4. Honduran officials and rebels fighting the Nicaraguan government will meet in Washington this week to discuss a peace plan that includes disarming the rebels, a Honduran official said Saturday.
  5. "The key military strategy question in Europe today is how to counter the threat of a single disarming strike against conventional targets.
  6. But her witty address, a mixture of disarming humor and candid advice about not letting careers crowd out family, charmed the women graduates, who gave a tumultuous welcome to both Mrs. Bush and Raisa Gorbachev.
  7. They accused police of disarming and scattering ANC supporters while allowing Zulus to weapons.
  8. Because of his disarming charm and apparent success, investors didn't make basic checks.
  9. Last week was one that Ms Clare Spottiswoode, the UK gas regulator with a disarming giggle, will be anxious to put behind her.
  10. There are risks in the unstructured two-day session in the Mediterranean next month with the disarming and nimble Kremlin chief.
  11. A disarming drawl can sometimes be a powerful weapon against an overconfident Yankee.
  12. "While I truthfully don't know the exact location of these people or their equipment, the disarming is indiscriminate and there will be no exceptions," Avila said.
  13. Renowned for political savvy, disarming charm and intelligence, the 41-year-old Mr. Wilson requested and received administrative leave with pay after members of Mr. Lantos's subcommittee accused him of cashing in on HUD programs.
  14. India's military deployment in Sri Lanka began in July 1987 and was intended to supervise the disarming of Tamil militants fighting for an independent nation in that country.
  15. According to the original accords, the commission would verify the movement of the Contras into safe cease-fire areas, withdrawal of Sandinista troops and the eventual disarming of the rebels and their return to civilian life.
  16. Deputy Foreign Minister Victor Hugo Tinoco told reporters earlier Friday that the rebels have suffered deep internal divisions and some segments have rejected disarming and returning to civilian life.
  17. For all the apparent and disarming simplicity of imagery, these are dense and complex works which work slowly on the eye and mind, and reveal their true qualities and mysteries only after particular and close attention.
  18. Mrs. Chamorro also said weapons given to civilian Sandinista supporters by the outgoing administration should be "recovered and destroyed." Israel Galeano, the Contra commander, agreed his forces would begin disarming Tuesday.
  19. Government forces last week attacked Khmer Rouge positions in flagrant violation of the ceasefire. Ceasefire and disarming of troops were to be the building blocks of the free and fair elections which the UN was to supervise.
  20. Running the country, feeding the people and disarming the various factions will require commitment and cash.
  21. But a major stumbling block, a timetable for disarming the U.S.-backed rebels, remained unresolved.
  22. He was extremely disarming," said Rubin, now an entrepreneur.
  23. The guns, which had live bullets in their chambers, were taken to the police forensic laboratory for disarming.
  24. They were aided by 145 UN Canadian troops who entered the town to monitor the ceasefire and start disarming the Moslem defenders.
  25. Sihanouk and his allies favor a strong United Nations presence to monitor the Vietnamese withdrawal, the disarming of the warring sides and the supervision of general elections.
  26. His manner direct and disarming, Coelho has mastered media promotion.
  27. And he has guaranteed the impartiality of police in situations where conflict threatens. Improved policing and the disarming of protagonists, should lead to a large drop in the number of deaths.
  28. Rather they are presented with a most disarming and intimate naturalism, at it is precisely this quality of naturalism that makes them so shocking.
  29. The coalition gained the most from Thursday's agreement, even if it only postpones the issues of disarming and demobilizing.
  30. In addition, Bush met with former President Ronald Reagan, who took a more cautious approach than Bush on the question of disarming the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
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