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 disarray [,disә'rei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 弄乱, 使混乱, 使脱去衣服

n. 无秩序, 杂乱, 不整齐的衣着

  1. Changing offices has left my papers in complete disarray.
    办公室搬迁, 使我的文件全部乱了套了.
  2. The troops fled in disarray.
  3. Being in a condition of confusion or disarray.

[ noun ]
  1. a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior

  2. <noun.cognition>
    a confusion of impressions
  3. untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)

  4. <noun.attribute>
[ verb ]
  1. bring disorder to

  2. <verb.change> disorder

Disarray \Dis`ar*ray"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disarrayed}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Disarraying}.] [Pref. dis- + array, v.: cf. OF.
desarroyer, desarreier.]
1. To throw into disorder; to break the array of.

Who with fiery steeds
Oft disarrayed the foes in battle ranged. --Fenton.

2. To take off the dress of; to unrobe.

So, as she bade, the witch they disarrayed.

Disarray \Dis`ar*ray"\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]sarroi.]
1. Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion.

Disrank the troops, set all in disarray. --Daniel.

2. Confused attire; undress. --Spenser.

  1. She had been raped by more than one person, her clothing was in disarray, she had suffered multiple scratches and abrasions, and she was so drunk that her life was in danger, the report said.
  2. The issue of employee ownership looms as a major hurdle in resolving the disarray at the company.
  3. THE fabric of European monetary union is in disarray and the ruling Conservative party has suffered a crushing regional defeat.
  4. THE COMMISSION of the European Community is in disarray.
  5. The "disarray" so widely reported among Democrats is, as much as anything else, a debate about what the party's economic message should be.
  6. The climb ended in disarray after only the first of the Mazeno peaks had been scaled. Says Hinkes: 'I think it is more committing than any route I know.
  7. There is a pleasant contemporary disarray, a deliberate untidiness about much of the book.
  8. A senior colleague is less tactful: 'He is the toughest of us all.' When Mr Ryder took over the whips' office in November 1990, the party's MPs were in disarray. They had just ousted their leader.
  9. Amid its disarray, the SDPJ looks incapable of mounting public support to counter the government's nuclear power commitment. But short-term difficulties persist.
  10. Ms Samuelsson concedes that the Greens lost out in 1991 because of inefficiency and disarray: 'We simply did not have our act together.'
  11. The tragedy is that the G7 is at last showing serious commitment, as Russia sinks into ever greater disarray.
  12. This policy might have thrown the government into temporary disarray but would have drawn the party lines in an unambiguous and meaningful way.
  13. As Sir Gordon Borrie, director-general of the Office of Fair Trading put it last week, the discrepancy between Mr Lilley's stance and the MMC's findings has thrown merger policy into disarray. The legality of Mr Lilley's position is also doubtful.
  14. The Democrats' political apparatus is also in disarray after last month's poll setback.
  15. Yet analysts say there has never been such a dearth of warnings on big attacks. Once again they blame disarray in the intelligence services on Mr Vladimiro Montesinos, the powerful presidential adviser.
  16. The Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones was once one of the best systems on the continent, but it is now in a state of disarray.
  17. Fianna Fail is riding high in opinion polls, and critics say opposition parties, led by the main opposition Fine Gael under its new leader Alan Dukes, are in disarray and unable to offer a credible alternative.
  18. It's not too late, but time is pressing." The Kuwaiti and Saudi government have said that an Arab solution has already been proposed - by an Arab League summit in August that ended in disarray.
  19. And that's bad." Calvert and others in a sampling of delegates said the unity on display at the convention was preferable to disarray.
  20. "The financial performance of USH has been lamentable and the management has been in disarray for five years," said Meggitt's Managing Director Ken Coates.
  21. As many as 46 people have been slain following a guerrilla call to exploit disarray caused by last week's coup attempt.
  22. With officialdom in disarray, it has fallen to certain stalwarts to carry the torch for Columbus.
  23. The revelation of an apparent conflict of interest throws into further disarray the $55 million award of a dozen big phone switches.
  24. Luxembourg takes over the European Community's presidency on Tuesday, with war looming in the Persian Gulf, world trade talks in disarray and Europe in full transformation.
  25. At the same time, they said, the study warns against massive amounts of immediate Western aid on grounds the money would be wasted because the Soviet economy is in so much disarray.
  26. But over the weekend, the deal fell into disarray as several banks jockeyed for a better position and no agreement could be reached.
  27. This absence of a strong government is widely blamed for Ireland's economic disarray, including a huge public debt and unemployment at nearly 20% of the labor force.
  28. So far this year, the number of such contract awards has slumped by more than two-thirds. The Pounds 16bn-a-year public sector construction market is in disarray. Large civil engineering contracts are the hardest hit by the crisis.
  29. While not directly attacking the Democrats on ethics, the Republicans are needling the Democrats for the slow pace of legislation and blaming it on "disarray" in Wright's leadership team.
  30. If stock-index markets suffer as a result of the past week's disarray, they will partly be victims of their own success.
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