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 disapprove [,disә'pru:v]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 不赞成

vi. 不赞成

  1. Father disapproved of our marriage.
  2. The plan was disapproved
  3. Non-smokers often disapprove of smoking in public.

[ verb ]
  1. consider bad or wrong

  2. <verb.cognition>
  3. deem wrong or inappropriate

  4. <verb.communication> reject
    I disapprove of her child rearing methods

Disapprove \Dis`ap*prove\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disapproved}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Disapproving}.] [Pref. dis- + approve: cf. F.
d['e]approuver. Cf. {Disapprobation}.]
1. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of
the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or
inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of

2. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline
to sanction; as, the sentence of the court-martial was
disapproved by the commander in chief.

Note: This verb is often followed by of; as, to disapprove of
an opinion, of such conduct. See {Approve}.

  1. I really disapprove of people who drive fast and grippy cars on country roads at speeds more appropriate to a rally special stage.
  2. They vehemently disapprove of nearly all proposals to boost taxes, such as extending state sales taxes to include services, and they dislike attempts to restrict student working hours.
  3. But six out of 10 voters disapprove of allowing nonfinancial companies to own banks.
  4. Counting Tuesday's override of his civil rights bill veto, Reagan has struck out 14 percent of the times he has used his constitutional power to disapprove legislation.
  5. Sen. Strom Thurmond, during the Bork hearings, felt compelled to quote an unnamed "great American statesman" as once saying, "I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
  6. Technically, Congress must decide no later than Sept. 3 whether to uphold (through inaction) or disapprove (through legislative action) the White House China trade decision of May 24.
  7. A second is The Hostess, a continuation of Tigger, a well-behaved person who 'adores cooking and having little evenings'. 'And then there's the one I totally disapprove of, which is the unhappy child that is sorry for itself.
  8. Adams' plan, which he wanted to attach to a Pentagon budget bill, would have given Congress 15 days to vote to disapprove that policy.
  9. In Ohio, for instance, 84% of owners disapprove of a state occupational safety and health administration to enforce state workplace safety laws, while 8% approve.
  10. Once the administration finally certifies the agreement, Congress would have 30 days in which it could vote to disapprove the deal.
  11. Skinner said Monday the legislation, which would give the Transportation Department the power to approve or disapprove airline mergers before they occur, "smacks of reregulation" of the airline industry.
  12. Why then are we, as taxpayers, compelled to contribute to countless causes of which we know nothing and of some of which we may disapprove? It is no argument to say that we cannot control how our taxes are spent, other than at the ballot box.
  13. At some point, FDA probably will approve or disapprove those plans, McLearn said.
  14. Although union officials deny making a litmus test out of the vote to disapprove fast-track authority, some lawmakers fear that unions will withdraw their support and contributions from Democrats who vote the wrong way.
  15. Under recommendations by then-President Reagan, the highest-paid federal officials will receive their largest raises in a decade on Feb. 8 if Congress does not disapprove.
  16. Most Koreans disapprove of militants who burn U.S. flags and shout "Yankee go home," however, and polls indicate they want American troops to remain.
  17. As conservative commentator Patrick Buchanan and ex-Ku Klux Klansman David Duke gear up to challenge Mr. Bush in 1992 GOP presidential primaries, 55% of Republicans say they disapprove of his handling of the economy.
  18. Rio Grande's application received a boost Friday when the Justice Department, in an opinion filed with the ICC, said it saw no reason for the agency to disapprove the sale.
  19. A recent survey of 1,000 middle-aged men revealed that 43% believe it's "OK" to color gray hair, but the majority disapprove, or at least have some reservations.
  20. While most Democrats disapprove of some major U.S. weapons programs, Mr. Jackson appears to oppose all of them.
  21. The House is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a resolution to disapprove the base closing recommendations.
  22. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions to disapprove the deal.
  23. Mrs. Thatcher's low-key tone also may have been spurred by polls in Britain showing most voters now disapprove of her tough line in the community.
  24. During that time either house may disapprove of the proposed negotiation by majority vote. Before signing an agreement, the president must notify Congress.
  25. And I still strongly disapprove of it and I'm delighted to speak out against it.
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