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 churchgoing ['tʃɚtʃ`goɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 经常上教堂做礼拜的

n. 上教堂做礼拜

    [ adj ]
    actively practicing a religion

    Churchgoing \Church"go`ing\, a.
    1. Habitually attending church.

    2. Summoning to church.

    The sound of the churchgoing bell. --Cowper.

    1. Elizabeth Harris, the victim's mother, also testified emotionally that she was proud of her churchgoing son and that his death had devastated the victim's young son.
    2. The 38-year-old Mr. Koerner is a churchgoing family man, a well-dressed sophisticate who can't abide Italian opera sung in English, a man who charms clients over dinner at the University Club in St. Louis.
    3. "He's a nice guy," said James Crawford, 47, a Compton firefighter and neighbor of Ross. "He's a churchgoing family man I would speak with him across his driveway, on weekends mostly.
    4. A teen-ager was charged Friday in the ax slayings of his parents, a brother and sister as friends puzzled over the change in the studious, churchgoing boy who gave himself a punk haircut the day of the killings.
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