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 churlish ['tʃә:liʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 粗野的

  1. It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer.
  2. At home he was churlish, parsimonious and cruel to his daughter.
  3. Politicians need a stronger peer-review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail, and I would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case.

[ adj ]
  1. rude and boorish

  2. <adj.all>
  3. having a bad disposition; surly

  4. <adj.all>
    churlish as a bear

Churlish \Churl"ish\, a.
1. Like a churl; rude; cross-grained; ungracious; surly;
illiberal; niggardly. ``Churlish benefits.'' --Ld.

Half mankind maintain a churlish strife. --Cowper.

2. Wanting pliancy; unmanageable; unyielding; not easily
wrought; as, a churlish soil; the churlish and intractable
nature of some minerals. --Boyle.

  1. After reading this book only the churlish would deny Mr. Cuomo's generous share of talents.
  2. But it would be churlish to criticise Ms Hynes on such small evidence: we'll have a better idea of her stewardship this time next year. In the area of production, however, we shall soon be able to assess her impact.
  3. To complain about it, or simply to have ignored it, would have been both churlish and foolhardy.
  4. Given some of the hype which has gone with privatisations in the UK, it is perhaps churlish to jib at the hoop-la which accompanied Daimler Benz's New York listing.
  5. It will seem churlish to leap from that expulsion to a discussion of the recent removal of the Courtauld Institute to its luxurious new home in Somerset House.
  6. At first sight, the 5.5p drop in Marks and Spencer's shares yesterday seemed a churlish reaction to a characteristically robust performance from the UK's leading retailer.
  7. "At the risk of sounding churlish, the ending of one of the longest hijackings in aviation history is not an occasion for unrestrained rejoicing," commented The Independent, a London newspaper.
  8. After the warm reception accorded by the market to MB-Caradon's purchase of RTZ's industrial businesses, it seems churlish to ask whether the company has bitten off more than it can chew.
  9. The absurd plea forced on Mr. Freeman and the churlish admission of innocence of Mr. Wigton and Mr. Tabor are an indictment of prosecutors who care more about getting headlines than making solid cases.
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