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 churn [tʃә:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 搅乳器

vt. 搅拌, 搅动

vi. 搅拌, 搅动

[化] 打浆机; 出料口

[医] 搅乳器

  1. She churns out romantic novels.
  2. The butter churn have two paddle to whip the cream.
  3. Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day.

[ noun ]
  1. a vessel in which cream is agitated to separate butterfat from buttermilk

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter

  2. <verb.contact>
  3. be agitated

  4. <verb.motion> boil moil roil
    the sea was churning in the storm

Churn \Churn\ (ch[^u]rn), n. [OE. chirne, cherne, AS. ceren,
cyrin; akin to D. karn, Dan. kierne. See {Churn}, v. t.]
A vessel in which milk or cream is stirred, beaten, or
otherwise agitated (as by a plunging or revolving dasher) in
order to separate the oily globules from the other parts, and
obtain butter.

Churn \Churn\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Churned} (ch[^u]rnd); p. pr.
& vb. n. {Churning}.] [OE. chernen, AS. cernan; akin to LG.
karnen, G. kernen, D. karnen, Dan. kierne, Sw. k["a]rna, and
also to E. corn, kernel, the meaning coming from the idea of
extracting the kernel or marrow. See {Kernel}.]
1. To stir, beat, or agitate, as milk or cream in a churn, in
order to make butter.

2. To shake or agitate with violence.

Churned in his teeth, the foamy venom rose.

Churn \Churn\, v. i.
To perform the operation of churning.

  1. That continues with an average 'churn' of 30 per cent a year. More than half these moves require recabling, costing up to 400 per staff member.
  2. Seeking votes to clinch the state for the vice president, Reagan tried to churn up votes in arch-conservative Orange County at an exhuberant student rally at the local California State University-Fullerton campus.
  3. The company plans to churn out 400,000 units of the rechargeable cells a month in the initial production year.
  4. Indeed, in the five years between 1990 and 1995, spacecraft will churn out as much information as they did in the previous two decades.
  5. Television has begun to churn out sequels of its own series.
  6. The rest of 1991, the Dow industrials will churn in the 2700-to-3000 range, he says.
  7. The "churn" rate is the rate at which a newspaper must sign up new subscribers to keep circulation at existing levels.
  8. Philip Roth, Dean Witter's technician, thinks the Dow industrials will make a "slight new high" just north of 3000, then churn in that neighborhood for weeks or months.
  9. Private caterers churn out 20,000 meals a day to those families that don't want to cook.
  10. Used to turbo-charge large databases, the parallel processor can churn through millions of records per second.
  11. Instead, they churn out low-value pieces for construction decks and highway girders.
  12. According to Mr. Blanchard, the government will churn out more money and pay back those who bought government obligations with this cheaper currency.
  13. What is more, virtually any plant used to manufacture fertilizers, pesticides or pharmaceutical products can be readily adapted to churn out large quantities of the stuff.
  14. Offices 'churn' constantly, moving half their work positions within the first year of occupying a building and up to 30 per cent annually after that, says Mr Hill.
  15. Some hunt down infected cells and kill them, while others churn out chemicals that help fine-tune the body's immune response.
  16. But as the nation's 6,400 paper plants and mills churn out 76 million tons of paper and paperboard products annually, the industry is pressured by a nation bent on recycling.
  17. Because, says Perritt, they are too small to attract the big institutional portfolio managers, the rabbits who churn the bigger markets.
  18. BIS estimates that about half of all churn is caused by people moving between mobile phone companies or between different calling plans offered by the same operator.
  19. The National Weather Service warned that the winds could churn up dust and sand, reducing visibility to a quarter of a mile.
  20. But many business schools feel that they are in a vice: in order to to curry favour with the UFC they need to churn out the research; to please MCI, they have to be glorified training departments.
  21. The same people who churn out a seemingly endless supply of details about Americans in general, will reveal nothing about individuals.
  22. Al Gore yesterday takes issue with your comments and the comments of some of your aides, such as Brent Scowcroft, aboUt Saddam being able to churn out a nuclear weapon within a matter of months.
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