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 Churchill ['tʃә:tʃil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 邱吉尔

  1. He thinks he's a second Churchill! ie believes he has Churchill's abilities.
  2. From that moment the debate was lost. Churchill sat up, gloating at his critics with a discreet twinkle, like a cat presented with an unexpectedly large bowl of cream.
  3. Who succeeded Churchill (as Prime Minister)?

[ noun ]
  1. English general considered one of the greatest generals in history (1650-1722)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. British statesman and leader during World War II; received Nobel prize for literature in 1953 (1874-1965)

  4. <noun.person>
  5. a Canadian town in northern Manitoba on Hudson Bay; important port for shipping grain

  6. <noun.location>

  1. Churchill, as president, would have done no better than most of the Americans who have occupied that office.
  2. He alleges that the prisoner was murdered to stop the leak of details of a World War II plot by powerful Britons to overthrow Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
  3. Kennametal acknowledges that it sold metalworking products to Matrix Churchill Ltd., the British concern owned by Iraq that built the gun.
  4. If Winston Churchill is an example of leadership through clearly defining mission and goals, Gen.
  5. Yet as Mr. Churchill makes clear, his father was also possessed of great charms and enthusiasm.
  6. Though no one can say how all the maneuvering will come out, what has just happened at Churchill Hospital in Oxford offers some clues.
  7. Most of Kennametal's dealings were with an Iraqi front company in Britain, Matrix Churchill Ltd. Matrix's link to Iraq was first disclosed in the British press in September 1989.
  8. In 1943, in an address to the U.S. Congress, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill pledged his country's full support in the war against Japan.
  9. He changed parties twice and seldom stayed long on the same stance within the party to which he had moved. Churchill, as Addison puts it, 'was a politician without a permanent address'.
  10. The only precedent for such a choice by the magazine was its selection of Winston Churchill as Man of the Half-Century in 1949.
  11. They agree that Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt as realists were well aware that the Red Army would decide Eastern Europe's future.
  12. One was Churchill (1940 and 1949); the others were Soviet leader Josef Stalin (1939 and 1942) and China's Deng Xiaoping (1978 and 1985).
  13. Sometimes, he alludes to Churchill but doesn't quite get the whole quote out.
  14. Now, film makers Nicholas Broomfield and Joan Churchill are distributing their documentary themselves.
  15. As Mr Churchill admitted, those going into bank branches may get 'cheesed off' by a succession of offers.
  16. But, despite Churchill, the British Empire went the way Roosevelt expected, and rather quickly too.
  17. The younger brother of Winston Churchill married the sister of Worsthorne's grandmother.
  18. In the pulpit here at Pieterskerk, one year after peace was restored in Europe, Winston Churchill spoke to the people of Leiden. The allies had triumphed over tyranny.
  19. Mr Churchill was at his son's wedding at the weekend and Ms Jackie Pearcey, the Liberal Democrat, only had her adoption meeting on Friday evening.
  20. Churchill was able to impose military policies and strategies on FDR that even Hopkins and major U.S. military commanders, notably Gen.
  21. Mrs Pamela Harriman (born to a noble English family, formerly Mrs Randolph Churchill, formerly married to Leland Hayward, the Broadway producer, and widow of that great statesman Averell Harriman) is much more than the most charming and grandest of dames.
  22. Martha A. Churchill General Counsel Mid-American Legal Foundation Chicago Since the 1986 ruling, the federal courts have been divided over whether the principle applies to civil cases.
  23. Winston Churchill had similar ratings among Britons in the early years of World War II, peaking at 93% in 1943, only to find himself unceremoniously dumped from power two years later.
  24. What is one to make of the throwaway statement that in 1934 on a cruise to the Dutch East Indies Churchill's wife, Clementine, 'fell in love with Terence Philip, who was seven years her junior and almost certainly homosexual'?
  25. Amused at the child's concentration, his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, asked if he would like someday to o into the army.
  26. Mount was accused of selling to a Boston bookshop letters written by artist James McNeill Whistler, Churchill and author Henry James that belonged to the Library of Congress.
  27. Underlining the healing of pre-World War II wounds and the end of decades of postwar communist rule, Mrs. Thatcher was present for the renaming of a square in Prague after Winston Churchill.
  28. This tends to destroy the collegiality so important to the journalistic "calling," as Randolph Churchill termed it.
  29. Receiving the warm greetings of supporters at a reception the day before taking office, Quayle recalled the harshness of the campaign criticism by quoting Winston Churchill.
  30. Churchill says it reduces premiums by up to 20 per cent for those with no claims in a three-year period and Eagle Star offers reductions of up to 20 per cent for a five-year period. Excesses.
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