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 churchman ['tʃә:tʃmәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 牧师

  1. He thinks the world cares little whether a man is a churchman, so long as he is good and true.
  2. Edward wanted to see his churchman right away.
  3. He was an early Christian Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.

[ noun ]
a clergyman or other person in religious orders

Churchman \Church"man\, n.; pl. {Churchmen}.
1. An ecclesiastic or clergyman.

2. An Episcopalian, or a member of the Established Church of
England. ``A zealous churchman.'' --Macaulay.

3. One was is attached to, or attends, church.

  1. At Korir's trial in the western town of Nakuru, state counsel Horace Okumu described the exorcism rite: "The churchman asked for a panga (machete knife), cut open (her) chest and removed the lungs.
  2. The country's leading churchman, meanwhile, warned that the Philippines cannot survive with huge gaps between rich and poor. Leftists staged protest marches and accused the president of abandoning promises of reform.
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