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 churchwarden ['tʃɚtʃ'wɔrdn.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 堂区俗人委员, 陶制的长烟斗

    [ noun ]
    an officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters

    Churchwarden \Church"ward`en\, n.
    1. One of the officers (usually two) in an Episcopal church,
    whose duties vary in different dioceses, but always
    include the provision of what is necessary for the
    communion service.

    2. A clay tobacco pipe, with a long tube. [Slang, Eng.]

    There was a small wooden table placed in front of
    the smoldering fire, with decanters, a jar of
    tobacco, and two long churchwardens. --W. Black.

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