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 ReadyBoost 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 快速启动(微软Vista中的功能名称)

  1. Low-risk uses — like ReadyBoost — might be the best way to keep your drive from croaking.
    尽量减低风险地使用 —— 如ReadyBoost技术——可能是最好的方式,可以避免驱动器发嘎嘎叫的警告。
  2. Improve Vista performance by using ReadyBoost, a new feature whereby Vista can use the free space on your USB drive as a caching mechanism.
  3. Simply insert your flash drive, and if it meets certain performance benchmarks, Windows 7 will ask you if you want to use it for ReadyBoost and recommend the size to reserve.
    只要插入你的闪存盘,如果碰到某些性能瓶颈, Windows 7 会询问是否为 ReadyBoost 使用闪存盘以及推荐保留的大小。

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