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 reaffirm [`riə'fɚm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 重申, 再确认

    [ verb ]
    affirm once again
    He reaffirmed his faith in the church

    Reaffirm \Re`af*firm"\ (r[=e]`[a^]f*f[~e]rm"), v. t.
    To affirm again.

    1. It seemed Bush's purpose in more than 18,000 miles of travel was simply to touch base with other leaders and reaffirm friendly relations.
    2. The resolution that will be voted on next week will reaffirm (the earlier) resolution," she said prior to the gathering.
    3. The psychiatrist's lawyer denies that the doctor was trying to help Isaacson commit suicide, but rather was trying to get her to reaffirm that she wanted to live.
    4. As the U.S. economy continues to falter at the beginning of an election year, President Bush has been seeking to balance his desire to reaffirm longstanding security ties with his need to aggressively pursue American trade interests.
    5. Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu said Friday he would visit Washington next month to meet with President Bush and reaffirm relations with the United States as the foundation of Japan's foreign policy.
    6. It was supported partly by the expectation that the Group of Seven leading industrial nations will reaffirm the Louvre currency-stabilization agreement by year end.
    7. "It is important to reaffirm this administration's position with regard to the use of military forces outside the United States," he told a news conference.
    8. Thursday's resolution touches on the two concessions Kohl sought from the Poles _ a demand that Warsaw reaffirm its 1953 decision not to seek war reparations, and to confirm its pledge last year to protect the ethnic rights of Poland's German minority.
    9. The U.S. and major allies are moving to reaffirm their currency-stabilization accord and may reinforce it with some modest changes, officials said.
    10. "Our alliance extends the hand of friendship," Bush said. "We reaffirm that we shall never be the first to use force."
    11. We strongly reaffirm our determination to fight it in all its forms." Grain and soybean futures prices opened mostly lower today on the Chicago Board of Trade.
    12. The spokesman said contacts continue but he gave no details except to reaffirm that the administration wants Noriega sent to the United States to face drug-trafficking charges.
    13. West German Finance Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg has said they are likely to reaffirm December's agreement on economic-policy cooperation and the stabilization of exchange rates.
    14. "The PLO is on a collision course with the peace process. Arafat and the PLO must reaffirm and implement, in deed and in word, the statements of just nine months ago," the senators said.
    15. I hope the court will reaffirm a 1952 opinion: "When the state encourages religious instruction or cooperates with religious authorities by adjusting the schedule of public events to sectarian needs, it follows the best of our traditions.
    16. They reaffirm their commitment to 'the territorial integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina' - an integrity which, if it ever existed, has long since been trampled underfoot.
    17. "It's important to reaffirm in some public fashion and some social context the values and beliefs of 20 years ago," said reunion spokesman Michael Macy, now 40 and a sociology professor at Brandeis University.
    18. He said the U.S. was also pushing Japan to reaffirm clearly that it is committed to reducing its capital account surplus.
    19. He also said the finance chiefs of the seven nations meeting in Venice agreed to reaffirm the accord on currency stability reached Feb. 22 in Paris.
    20. Indiana Republicans should fight to preserve the school reforms of recent years and reaffirm the party's commitment for more education improvements in the future, says a top aide to Gov. Robert D. Orr.
    21. "The parties reaffirm their will to fight drug trafficking in a comprehensive manner attacking all facets of the trade: production, transportation and consumption," the statement said.
    22. Europe's Ariane 3 rocket lifted off on schedule Friday night for a mission to place French and U.S. communications satellites into orbit and reaffirm its role as the West's only active launcher.
    23. Aug. 16 _ The Brawley advisers reaffirm their stand: Miss Brawley will not obey any subpoena.
    24. We reaffirm our commitment to the legacy given to us by our forbearers.
    25. Finance leaders from the world's top industrial countries met today in rare harmony for a session at which they were expected to reaffirm a four-month-old pact that has successfully stabilized the value of the dollar.
    26. West German Finance Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg said Monday that the G-7 meeting is likely to reaffirm last December's agreement on economic-policy cooperation and the stabilization of exchange rates.
    27. Diouf said he came to reaffirm links with the United States, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
    28. North Korea's foreign minister, Kim Yong Nam, reportedly visited Bucharest just weeks ago to reaffirm relations between the two countries.
    29. Abrams was expected to reaffirm U.S. objections to Soviet military assistance to Nicaragua's leftist government.
    30. In Washington, the U.S. said it would send a special envoy to the region to reaffirm a commitment to an arms embargo against Iran.
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