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 reaffirmation [`riæfɚ'meʃən添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 再断言, 再确认

    [ noun ]
    renewed affirmation

    Reaffirmance \Re`af*firm"ance\ (r[=e]`[a^]f*f[~e]rm"ans),
    Reaffirmation \Re*af`fir*ma"tion\
    (r[=e]*[a^]f`f[~e]r*m[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
    A second affirmation.

    1. He said the statements by thrift-industry regulators "represent a reaffirmation by the federal government to stand behind the depositors of the savings and loan institutions across Texas.
    2. CHINA'S recent reaffirmation of its claim to the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea overshadowed the start of a meeting of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) in Manila yesterday.
    3. Despite the reaffirmation of socialism, the party leadership has been overhauled to remove hard-liners and install reformers in an effort to appease the restive populace, which is demanding democratic change and has thrown its support to the opposition.
    4. Market strategists viewed the reports as a reaffirmation by Saudi Arabia to sell as much oil as it can until other Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries comply with a plan to limit oil output.
    5. "To avoid that, we need a strong reaffirmation of the commitment of the creditor banks to the bigger picture."
    6. The bill is a "reaffirmation of what is inherent in the relationship of physician to patient," the AMA's general counsel, Kirk Johnson, said in a telephone interview Thursday.
    7. Japanese business leaders expressed concern that the reaffirmation of a currency-stabilization pact by the Group of Seven implied official acceptance of the yen's recent rise.
    8. Few participants are expecting anything out of the meeting other than another reaffirmation of the ministers' desire for stable exchange rates.
    9. "When viewed against the backdrop of prior actions, I see this as a strong reaffirmation of the commitment of Japanese officials toward more open financial markets and the liberalization of yen markets," said Mr. Corrigan in a prepared statement.
    10. Gorbachev is expected to promote the idea of a human rights conference in Moscow, while the U.S. side is looking for reaffirmation of Soviet intentions to remove all remaining troops from Afghanistan by Feb. 15.
    11. "I don't think there is much substance" to the Baker-Miyazawa reaffirmation of last October's agreement, said Yukuo Takahashi, vice president and chief foreign-exchange trader at Chemical Bank in Tokyo.
    12. The action, on a 331-77 vote, was a reaffirmation of a plan introduced earlier this year by Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady.
    13. He also said there was support for the U.N. sanctions, reaffirmation that NATO will stand by its defense obligations to Turkey.
    14. Baker then flew to NATO headquarters in Brussels seeking a reaffirmation the allies would rush to Turkey's defense if Iraq attacked its neighbor.
    15. Treasury Secretary James Baker told foreign journalists yesterday that he expects "a reaffirmation by heads of states of actions that have already been agreed to" at earlier meetings in Paris and Washington.
    16. Despite the apparent central bank activity, which followed last week's reaffirmation of an accord among major industrial nations to enforce currency stability, foreign exchange traders were unperturbed.
    17. Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa told a legislative panel in Tokyo that the Washington talks will probably produce a reaffirmation of the currency-stability accord.
    18. The weekend reaffirmation of the Louvre accord on exchange-rate stability was viewed as reducing the chance of a sharp dollar decline in the months ahead.
    19. The Maastricht treaty did, indeed, need to be reaffirmed by one of Europe's great nations if it was to regain the momentum lost when the Danes voted against it last June. Such a reaffirmation may not now be forthcoming.
    20. This was quickly denied, but the reaffirmation that the meeting was on didn't seem to put much inspiration into the market.
    21. British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson dismissed the notion that things had changed and called the communique "a strong reaffirmation" of past "accords."
    22. Officially, the Russians called Solidarity's reaffirmation of Poland's membership in the Warsaw Pact "sensible" and said Poland's political problems are her own to settle.
    23. "But there is community outrage and something has to be done to provide condemnation and reaffirmation.
    24. U.S. officials say that unless a market crisis intervenes, the Berlin meeting will be merely a review of each country's economic performance and a reaffirmation of policy goals.
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