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 Reaganomics   添加此单词到默认生词本
[复]n.(由美国第四十任总统Ronald Reagan实行的包括强调供给理论等内容的)里根经济政策

    1. The cries are anguished now because the spending cuts that were supposed to be part of Reaganomics from the beginning are finally starting to take hold.
    2. Under Reaganomics, the burden we are leaving to our grandchildren has not been mushrooming; it's been shrinking.
    3. Our opponents tell us and tell the American people that Reaganomics has failed; that, because of problems we have yet to solve, America has failed.
    4. This, then, was the intellectual landscape as Ronald Reagan was inaugurated and proposed the tax cuts that became the heart of Reaganomics.
    5. His fiscal ideas were "Reaganomics."
    6. For five years now, the likes of Dan Rather have been in the uncomfortable position of disparaging "Reaganomics" while reporting good economic news.
    7. "The overwhelming assumption here is that Reaganomics has been a disaster," says an executive with Western Mining Corp., Ray Evans.
    8. After seven years of Reaganomics, however, that's no longer the case.
    9. "That's just balderdash," he said. "I have been the leader against Reaganomics in the House," he said.
    10. "To end Reaganomics, we need a leader.
    11. When you're behind you run a little faster." Jackson's message on Thursday was that Bush as a member of President Reagan's team wants to continue Reaganomics, while "Dukakis wants to manage Reaganomics.
    12. When you're behind you run a little faster." Jackson's message on Thursday was that Bush as a member of President Reagan's team wants to continue Reaganomics, while "Dukakis wants to manage Reaganomics.
    13. Their demands will escalate to include the symbolic repeal of Reaganomics, through an increase in the top marginal tax rate.
    14. In his exhaustive 1987 book on the Fed, journalist (and no friend of Reaganomics) William Greider wrote that "there was no real connection" between the tax deal and the Fed's decision to ease.
    15. Jackson's buying up of $400,000 worth of air time in Ohio includes a new ad that will attack Dukakis as wiling only to "manage" Reaganomics, not to bring about real economic change.
    16. Instead of "always making speeches knocking the hell out of Reaganomics," Mr. Iacocca said, he wants to "propose something constructive.
    17. The most dramatic achievement of Reaganomics was the 1986 tax reform.
    18. "We cannot just manage Reaganomics, we're going to have to reverse Reaganomics," Jesse Jackson said at the debate in Rochester, N.Y.
    19. "We cannot just manage Reaganomics, we're going to have to reverse Reaganomics," Jesse Jackson said at the debate in Rochester, N.Y.
    20. Maybe it's only because Reaganomics bashing has become fashionable, which tells us mainly that we are entering an election year.
    21. Mr. Boskin's review of Reaganomics is mixed.
    22. He said however that "It's not the fault of Governor Dukakis. It's the fault of Reaganomics." "The best of governors are not a substitute for a president who leads," he said.
    23. The steady rise of foreign investment in U.S. businesses and real estate may turn out to be the most controversial legacy of Reaganomics.
    24. In "Reaganomics: An Insider's Account of the Policies and the People" (Oxford, 363 pages, $22.95), Mr. Reagan and his economic advisers appear in full figure, with their ambitions and weaknesses exposed.
    25. It's the same supply-side theory Kemp advanced as the House sponsor of the tax cut that eventually became the centerpiece of Reaganomics.
    26. The US is in no position, this time, to act as a locomotive for the world. Nor is it easy to be optimistic about Europe, where German unification has resulted in a policy mix comparable with Reaganomics and an outcome that is arguably more damaging.
    27. "The best thing you can say about Reaganomics is that it happened in a fit of inattention," he quipped.
    28. Powerful political forces are moving in this direction as well because of the implied repudiation of Reaganomics, which helps to clear the decks for the 1988 election.
    29. The state of Connecticut was exactly like the United States (after) 10 years of Reaganomics which said you can have it all and you don't have to pay for it.
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