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 Reaganism   添加此单词到默认生词本
里根主义(指美国第四十任总统Ronald Reagan实行的政策)

    1. Reaganism is running its course in any event.
    2. Leaks, photo opportunities and carefully selected appearances had created a Reagan image that was very popular in the polls, and by compromise his creators won victories inconsistent with true Reaganism, Mr. Regan believed.
    3. The result was to sweep away the barriers that eight years of Reaganism had erected against the slide down the road to serfdom.
    4. It is difficult to imagine a populist backlash against Reaganism, which was, to the teeth, anti-elitist: "Corporate raiding" forced change on bloated Fortune 500 bluebloods, as did deregulation on high-paid unionists in coddled industries.
    5. His overwhelming victory may have a simple explanation: Many voters simply want more Reaganism.
    6. At one point he went so far as to defend the State Department _ the State Department! _ to punctuate the extent to which he hopes voters will put their trust in Reaganism.
    7. The Nation hasn't abandoned its progressive politics in this age of Reaganism and still sells for a buck and a quarter.
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