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 Reagan ['reigən]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says President Reagan is a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one.
  2. At the last election Mr Reagan scraped home in California.

[ noun ]
40th President of the United States (1911-2004)

  1. Meanwhile, Mr. Walsh's staff is evaluating how it will gather information it needs from President Reagan.
  2. Battle lines are drawn again, however, with two Cuban-Americans already in the race on the Republican side, state Sen. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and millionaire banana importer Carlos Perez, a prominent supporter of former President Reagan and Lt.
  3. "In the long run, the situation we have now isn't good for anyone _ even the members of the iron triangle," Reagan said. "Fundamentally, the American people know what's up, and they don't like it.
  4. The Reagan administration's latest stated estimate of the budget deficit for all of the current fiscal year is $146.74 billion, but many private analysts predict a gap in the $160 billion to $175 billion range.
  5. The testing is the result of an executive order by President Reagan two years ago directing the government to produce a drug-free workplace.
  6. President Reagan earlier had asked federal agencies to cut that time "by at least a third."
  7. In the past, the president's aloof management style often deflected criticism onto his advisers, but the report strongly suggests that Mr. Reagan's own failings encouraged the excesses of his aides.
  8. No country in the hemisphere gets more U.S. assistance than El Salvador, which President Reagan has held up as an example of success in Washington's avowed policy of fostering democracy in Latin America.
  9. While the Reagan administration lauded Friday's report as signs that inflation was not heating up, some private economists expressed worries about what could happen if world oil prices suddenly rebound.
  10. Mr. Souter doesn't have any reputation for the kind of conservative judicial activism that aroused fierce opposition to President Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork in 1987.
  11. The Reagan administration gradually was able at least to stop new spending initiatives.
  12. Here is a message from President Reagan on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, which begins Sunday, as released by the White House Friday: I am pleased to send holiday greetings to the Jewish community during this season of Hanukkah 5749.
  13. The Reagan administration looked high and low for Latin American support for the Nicaraguan Contras but almost always came up empty-handed.
  14. Meese disqualified himself last year when the Reagan administration opposed renewing the federal law which created independent counsels to investigate top government officials.
  15. But the treaty foes admit they have an uphill fight, since many of those they hope to woo are Reagan loyalists.
  16. There are those who hope Reagan's fondness for his old vocation will lead him back to the screen.
  17. He has said Ronald Reagan's idea of a good farm program is "Hee-Haw."
  18. He added, however, that Reagan has not made final decisions.
  19. Yet the federal budget squeeze during the Reagan years has forced deep cuts in economic aid abroad, reducing U.S. influence.
  20. Webb countered by pulling out a written answer Reagan had given two years ago to a federal grand jury saying that no destruction of documents had been authorized by the president.
  21. Before she went to the Transportation Department, she work for President Reagan as a White House liaison with women and minorities.
  22. To many foreign observers like myself the Reagan presidency has been an outstanding success, restoring to the world's greatest democracy its economic dynamism, its self-confidence and self-respect and its paramount place in geopolitics.
  23. When he testified at his own trial last year, North implicated a number of other Reagan administration figures, including Poindexter.
  24. Indeed, administration officials acknowledged that the new diplomatic plan was announced after a meeting between President Reagan and congressional leaders because so many lawmakers had urged greater efforts to end the war.
  25. Reagan's final words, "God bless America," touched off a tumultuous demonstration on the floor, which erupted in even greater cheering as he was joined on the podium by the first lady.
  26. He says he reassured Reagan administration officials two years ago that the declining dollar would eventually bring the trade deficit under control.
  27. He announced he has wrested a promise from the Reagan administration to promptly release two reports bearing on alleged Soviet violations of arms control treaties and the effectiveness of proposed verification of Soviet compliance with the new treaty.
  28. He said Friday that he also has asked the planning agency's Mr. Kondo to go to the U.S. early this month to explain the package to members of the Reagan administration and Congress.
  29. Konrad Adenauer was only a year younger when he became West German chancellor in 1949, and Ronald Reagan was four years older when he left office in 1989.
  30. Is there anyone who doubts that there are more Cuban, Soviet and Soviet-bloc advisers, both military and civilian, in Nicaragua than there were when Ronald Reagan took office?
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