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 速度极限 添加此单词到默认生词本
heat barrier

  1. 人类的速度极限是多少?
    What's the human speed limit?
  2. 例如肯塔基赛马会,许多参赛马匹在1949年达到速度极限之后就很难再有突破。
    Horses in the Kentucky Derby, for example, appeared to approach their speed limit in 1949. Since then any improvements have become minimal and increasingly rare.
  3. 一瞬间就消失在街道里,开起来充满愉悦感,在不超越速度极限的前提下,开起来都不错。
    Grip disappears quickly once you're suburban and beyond though, fading quickly into understeer, but it's a fun car to play in if you keep within the well flagged-up limits.

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