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 速成班 [sù chéng bān添加此单词到默认生词本
accelerated course
crash course

  1. 人们占领人民公园,中断低预算的电影和也迫使公民速成班停课。
    Its part Peoples Park, part low-budget film set and part civics crash course.
  2. 数百主要企业负责人参加所谓的的关于中国进口政策和商业交往活动“速成班”。
    Hundreds of major business leaders attended what some called a "crash course" in China import policy and commercial engagement.
  3. 所以,如果你是一个从事实际工作的科学家,又有写作的意愿,最好参加一个新闻课程的速成班,然后开始写作,享受两个世界中最好的那些东西。
    So if you are a working scientist with a penchant for writing, there is nothing like taking a crash course in journalism and then start writing — and enjoy the best of both worlds!

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