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 速测仪 添加此单词到默认生词本
[测] tachymeter

  1. 介绍了“残留农药速测仪”光电系统的设计依据。
    The design bases of rapid determination meter photoelectricity system of pesticide residues were introduced.
  2. 用自行研制的便携式农药残毒速测仪,对蔬菜中残留农药进行生化检
    A rapid biochemistry method for determination of pesticides residue in vegetable was developed with a portable mode .
  3. 采用粘度速测仪分析了浙江省新近培育的早籼稻新品种(系)的淀粉粘滞特性,结果表明不同品种(系)具有特征性RVA谱。
    By Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA), the starch viscosity properties of early indica rice varieties (lines), which were recently released in Zhejiang Province were analyzed.

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