速率控制步骤 [自] rate controlling step
- 在腐蚀区为环烷酸腐蚀,环烷酸与金属表面的反应为速率控制步骤。
In the passivation region, the diffusion process of sulfide in the surficial layer is the rate-determining step of corrosion. - 强调聚酯缩聚过程速率控制步骤的判定对聚酯缩聚工艺和反应器设计的优化起关键作用。
The control procedure of polyester condensation rate played a critical role in the optimization of polyester condensation process and reactor design. - 这个速率控制步骤产生了作为中间体的乙烷基钯,而转换是通过一连串的氢转移到乙醛和钯的弱配合物完成的。
This rate-determining step yields a % hydroxyethyl palladium species as an intermediate and this can transform by a series of hydrogen shifts into a weak complex of acetaldehyde and palladium.