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 速度级 添加此单词到默认生词本
velocity stage

  1. 联合激励力产生的辐射声功率和外壳振动速度级比单个力激励时都要大;
    The values of radiated power and radial quadratic velocity driven by combined forces are both bigger than that of by single force.
  2. 为解决冗余自由度机器人的运动学实时控制问题,给出了冗余自由度机器人运动学速度级的解析解。
    In order to solve the real-time control problem of kinematics for redundant robots, an analytical solution at joint velocity level for redundant robots is described.
  3. 根据车用发动机的实际使用工况,在不同转速及爆发压力下对其进行动力学计算,得到发动机的表面振动速度级
    According to the actual operational condition of engine, calculate dynamics with different rotational speed and breakout pressure, and get the surface vibration speed stage of engine.

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