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 速度选择器 [sù dù xuǎn zé qì添加此单词到默认生词本
[机][车辆] velocity selector

  1. 一个自动速度(ASL)功能可以使用由解放油罐车司机选择一个最大车速限制。
    An Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL) feature can be used by the driver to select a maximum vehicle speed limit.
  2. 控制获得输入信息从发动机速度拨号盘开关、力量方式选择器开关和发动机速度传感
    The controller receives input information from the engine speed dial switch, the power mode selector switch and the engine speed sensor.
  3. 算例表明,新方法对局部模型的选择判断正确,对局部模型的变化反应速度较快,可作为一种性能良好通用MM估计
    Simulation shows that the new method can properly judge and select the correct local model with quick responses to the changes of local models, so it can be well used as a universal MM estimator.

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