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 速度环量 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 扩张角的增加可提高速度环量,但是流动混合损失增加,总压恢复系数减小。
    The increase of lobe diffusion angle results in the increase of velocity circulation at the lobe exit section, but it raises the mixing loss and lowers the pressure recovery coefficient.
  2. 导出了二维浅水流动的涡动方程与速度环量的随体导数表达式,以此为基础,分析了二维浅水流动中旋涡的动力学性质;
    The vorticity equation was first established and the characteristics of vortex motion in two-dimensional shallow-water flows was analyzed, and then discrete vortex method (DVM) was briefly described.
  3. 总的来说,十月份进口增长速度极为惊人,同比增长28.7%,比增长20.9%,远远超过了九月份进口
    Over all, imports rose a surprising 28.7 percent, compared with levels a year ago, far surpassing an increase in September of 20.9 percent.

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