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 精神奖励 添加此单词到默认生词本
moral encouragement
mental reward

  1. 玩家仅仅是购买快乐,寻求更有力的精神奖励,只是为了愉快。
    Users who pay simply buy their own happiness, achieving more powerful neurochemical rewards, or fun.
  2. 奖励坚持精神奖励与物质奖励相结合、以精神奖励为主的原则。
    The principle of combining moral encouragement with material reward, taking former as the main form, shall be applied.
  3. 第三条对见义勇为人员的奖励实行物质奖励精神奖励相结合的原则。
    Article 3 Rewarding the persons taking courageous acts for a just cause shall follow the principle of combination of material awards and moral encouragement.

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