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 精神家园 添加此单词到默认生词本
spiritual home

  1. 其实,我们应该在纷繁复杂的世界里重新寻找自己,找到属于自己的精神家园
    But actually we should be rediscovering ourselves in this complex world and finding our own spiritual world.
  2. 我们像浪子,最终都通过回到“当下”,找到我们的精神家园和真正的幸福。
    Like the Prodigal Son, we all eventually return to "now" to find our spiritual home and to find true happiness.
  3. 虽然是英国制定了比赛规则,法国人创造了世界杯,许多人仍认为足球的精神家园在南美。
    Though England made the rules, and a Frenchman invented the World Cup, many people hold soccer's spiritual home to be in South America.

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