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 精神机能障碍 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 肾上腺机能减低引起的精神障碍,多有性格改变,多为情感不稳,哭泣,抑郁状态,伤感愁苦。
    The mental obstacle that adrenal function bring down poses, more disposition is changed, it is affection more flabby, cry, depressed condition, sentimental anxiety.
  2. 故识药组方,以能调畅气机的升降出入,即可以治疾。不论是形质脏器障碍或是精神机能失调皆可疗。
    The most important task in prescribing an herbal medicine formula is to harmonize and regulate the Qi so one can heal both the physical conditions and mental/spiritual disorders.
  3. 肾上腺机能减低引起的精神障碍,其病因除肾上腺皮质激素分泌不足外,与电解质代谢障碍和低血糖有关。
    The mental obstacle that adrenal function bring down poses, its pathogeny secretes inadequacy except the cortin outside, with electrolyte metabolization obstacle and hypoglycemia are concerned.

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