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 精神折磨 添加此单词到默认生词本
mental suffering
mental torture
emotion distress

  1. 尽管表面上很多女性正遭受情绪虐待,但实际上男性也在经历精神折磨
    Although more women appear to suffer from emotional abuse, this does not mean that men do not experience mental torture either.
  2. 你能想象到的、最痛苦的精神折磨是什么?不用考虑一丁点儿身体上的损伤。
    What is the worst psychological torture you can imagine suffering? Anything causing even minor physical injury should not be considered.
  3. 与基地组织的战斗在继续,但停止了那些疏远美国盟友的说教,也不再承受背离价值观的精神折磨(注1)。
    The fight against al-Qaeda is to continue, but without the preaching that alienated America's allies or the torture that betrayed its values.

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