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 精神文化生活 添加此单词到默认生词本
spiritual and cultural life

  1. 它们提供就业、娱乐和体验大自然的机会;它们是我们精神文化生活及我们的神话和民间故事的组成部分。
    They provide jobs, recreation and the experience of nature; and they are part of our spiritual and cultural life, our myths and folktales.
  2. 宣传舆论工作和思想道德建设不断加强,群众精神文化生活日益丰富。
    The media and publicity work as well as ideological and moral education have kept improving. The people's cultural life has become increasingly rich and colorful.
  3. 在20世纪中国文学中,雅文学曾因其对社会、人生的影响而成为大众精神文化生活的一个重要组成部分。
    In 20th century's Chinese literature, the elegant literature once became an important constituent of populace energetic and cultural life because it deeply influenced the society and life.

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