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 精神支持 添加此单词到默认生词本
moral support
spiritual backing
emotional support

  1. 这些人可以为你提供必要的精神支持以达到胜利。
    These individuals can provide you with the needed emotional support to succeed.
  2. 合作伙伴——可以是家人或朋友——可以带来你不具备的技能和经验,并能在危机时刻提供精神支持
    A partner — a family member or friend — can bring in skills or experience you lack and provide moral support during a crunch time.
  3. 恋爱中的射手男要求他的伴侣跟他站在一起给予他百分百的精神支持
    Sagittarius man in love would want his partner to stand by him and give him complete emotional support.

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