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 波昂 [bō áng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 封·波昂就曾经描写过使用航天飞机在火箭和太空站之间运送人和货物。
    Wernher von Braun wrote about using a shuttle craft to move men and materials between a rocker ship and space station.
  2. 最近,波昂大学生命和医学科学中心研究人员在核糖开关的研究中又取得了重大突破。
    A team at the interdisciplinary Life and Medical Sciences Center at the University of Bonn has now taken a meaningful step toward a better understanding of riboswitches.
  3. 大脑处理信息看起来要比长期以来所推测的更为无序,这是由波昂大学的科学家通过一个新的研究得到的验证。
    The brain appears to process information more chaotically than has long been assumed. This is demonstrated by a new study conducted by scientists at the Uniersity of Bonn.

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