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 波束天线 [bō shù tiān xiàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[电讯] beam antenna

  1. 本文着重研究了卫星多波束天线馈元阵的形状对赋形的影响。
    In this paper the effect of feed array configuration in satellite multiple beam antennas on pattern synthesis has been investigated.
  2. 论述了利用高精度三轴天线测试转台,测试有源多波束天线立体方向图的方法。
    This paper describes the test method of active multi-beam antenna pattern by using high precision 3-axis antenna test turntable and the test procedure of antenna 3D pattern.
  3. 实施例采用多波束天线技术,对接入点(AP)电路只作较少的硬件修改或不作硬件修改。
    Embodiments implement multi-beam antenna technology with little or no hardware modifications to AP circuitry.

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